^.^ ch3

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"Hello" you said back. Laxus glared at Sting as he was trying to smile to you. "Hey (y/n) wanna dance with me?" Sting asked and stuck his hand out. You gladly took it and went to dance with Sting. You two were laughing and having a wonderfull time but Laxus wasn't. Oh no he was standing next to the wall looking at the two of you having your time.

Soon you were a bit tired so you decided to sit down and grab a drink. Sting went over to Rogue and they were talking about something and from time to time they were lookung at you. (o.o)

"Is this sit taken?" A deep voice asked from behind you. You turned around and saw Laxus smiling at you. "ymmm no, if you want you can sit here." you said as you smiled back. "Soo hows life?" Laxus asked"ohh its normal. Nothing much happened." You said as you lay your head at the table. You were quite bored now. You just watched as everyone was having a good time and you were just sitting down doing nothing. "Hey what do you think about that Sting guy?"Laxus asked" Sting is a good friend..." You answered. Then laxus stood up and grabbed your hand pulling you to stand up.

Once you stood up, Laxus took you on the middle of the guild where everyone was dancing. You noticed that every pair was hugging. Natsu hugging Lucy, Lissana hugging Bixlow, Evergreen and Elafman and so on. The music was slow and peaceful. You were so high in clouds you didn't notice that Laxus was now hugging you. You blushed as you looked up at him. He smiled down to you. Leaning closer and closer. Your heart was beating fast and you blushed even more. Your lips were inches away from Laxus's. 'is he going to kiss me?' you thought. You were happy but sad at the same time. Why sad? Because you knew that Sting had feelings for you.

You could feel his hot breath on your lips. And then it happened. Sting puched Laxus. (what did you think its gonna happen?) Laxus got pissed off and started to fight Sting. The war between them was intense. You got mad and stood between the 2 blonds. "THATS ENOUGH YOU TWO!" You shouted clearly pissed. Then tears started to form in your eyes. "Why did you punch him Sting?!" you shouted looking at Sting "i don't know." he said quietly "Well there must be a reson!" You shouted and ran out of the guild knowing why he did it. You heard Laxus shouting your name but ignored it and ran.

Next chapter done! Sumimasen it took so long to write it but school and stuff. Next chapter will be done soon! Hope you like it Peace!

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