Chapter 2

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Third Person's POV

It was a very fine Monday morning at Kuroko's house and of course,our protagonist is heading to school.

Of course she's wearing a girl's uniform, given by the one and only coach of Seirin.

She was about to step outside when she saw a very familiar brunette teen girl who was smiling very brightly to her.

"Kuroko-chan!"she said and run towards her and hug her.

"Good Morning!"she said and let go of Kuroko

"Ohayo senpai"she said and bow her head

"I smell something"she said and sniffing and her eyes landed on the teal headed girl and then she sniff her.

"Oh my goodness,you smell like milk!"she smile brightly

"Thanks"he said with a monotone voice and of course a poker face

"Why are you here coach?"she ask her senpai who just smile

"I'll be so bad if I let a beautiful lady walking alone in the middle of the road"she said and smile

And then they heard a beeping sound of a car,their heads turned and they saw a man in a car.

"Riko-tan,hurry up!"the man said who happened to be Aida's dad

"come on Kuroko-chan!"she said and grab Kuroko's hand and went to the car and when they were inside,Kuroko speak

"You don't have to do this,coach"said Kuroko will a poker face

"It's fine!"said Aida

"And you know what,you remind me of someone,someone that I miss a lot"she said with a tone of sadness was present on her voice

"Don't worry Riko-tan,i know will see her again someday!"her dad cheers her up

"Who's this?"ask Kuroko

"Well she's my childhood friend but when she went to America i didn't saw her since then..."she said

"She's...Ren Barbie"she said and a tear fell from her eyes and immediately wipe it, Kuroko's eyes widen in shock

(A\N:if you don't know Barbie Ren,she in my other story,the title is The GoM's Coach,I'm just connecting it)

'what a small world' he thought

"But let's not talk about her,the past is in the past,we can't change the fact that she's dead now"she said,all the way to the school they are both silent,but not long after they reach Seirin High.

"Hey!,look over there,isn't she cute?"said a guys

"I like her long blue hair,she looks like a doll"squealed a girl

"She have a slim body,ya know"said another guy

"Geez!...,we're gaining to much attention here,what happened to your misdirection?,Kuroko-chan,it's not working you know!" said Aida

"I can sense that"she only said while blushing terribly and look away

The both of them walk fast until they reach their Classroom,so of course they separate ways,since Kuroko is a first year and Aida is a second year.

All eyes are on Kuroko when she step inside,'This is so embarrassing'she thought

And her eyes landed on a certain red haired boy who was sleeping on his desk. She smile and skip towards him,she tap her shoulder and Kagami groan in annoyance and still he didn't woke up.

And the teacher came in and of course check her attendants,and Kagami was called but he didn't reply.

"Mr. Kagami?"


"Mr. Kagami?"the teacher said in irritation

"..."still no reply

"MR. KAGAMI TAIGA?!!!"she yell and Kagami woke up and said some things that irritate the teacher

"I didn't touch her ass and boobs,I-i promise!!!,huh?"he said

"Hahahahahahahahahaha!!!"his classmates laugh hard

'So it was only just a dream?!!!...'Kagami though and Kuroko just sigh and place her palm on her forehead.

"Mr. Kagami Taiga,meet me at the office for sleeping in time of classes and for saying and thinking such prevented things"the teacher scold Kagami

~ Time Skip ~

It was lunch break and when it's lunch either the cafeteria or at the rooftop,but for now Kuroko Tetsuya when to the rooftop with Kagami

"What were you dreaming that you said something disgusting?"ask Kuroko which made the taller boy blush and look away

"U-umm?"he said unsure

"You know what?...,it's fine if you can't tell besides I don't want to be infected with your virus of your dirty mind"she said and they reach at the rooftop.

"Kuroko-chan!"said their coach

"Ohayo minna-san"said and Kuroko and Kagami just walk besides her while blushing.

"What happened to you,Kagami-kun?"ask Koganei

"N-nothing"Kagami muttered

"Let's eat minna-san"said coach

And they all eat together and sometimes all the boys kept glancing at Kuroko while eating her sandwich.

"Kuroko,you should eat many food,you're getting super tin,ya know"said Izuki

"Come to think of it,where did you get that uniform?"ask Hyuga

"Coach gave it to me,Arigato once again"she said and smile so beautiful making them blush

"What a powerful charm"Izuki whispered to Mitobe who sat beside him,and the others agreed about Izuki said.

"Nani?"ask Kuroko and tilt his head in confusion and again the others blush

"Nothing!!!"they all said nervously except for Riko to Kuroko

And with that Kuroko suddenly felt sad and tears forming on his big light blue eyes,maybe it's because they shouted at her.

"E-eh?"said Hyuga

"You're all so mean to me"she said and cried silently,resulting for them to panic

"You Baka!"said Riko and smack their heads with a paper fans

"Oi!,that hurts!"



They all exclaimed but immediately shut up when Riko continue to glare at them with her brown eyes,everyone except Kuroko shivered,seeing riko's demonic side.Since she treated Kuroko as her younger sister,she will do everything to protect her.

"You all dare to shout at her like that again them all of you with meet my devilish side"she said and smirk at them,and then they all nod fearing for their dear life.

"Good"she muttered the went to comfort Kuroko who was still crying and sobbing silently

"Don't cry Kuroko,you look beautiful when crying but it hurts that friends are crying so,stop it and smile,you should smile and be happy,Kuroko you look like my younger sibling so as your sister,I want you to be happy,even...though you don't really express your happy self"those comforting words make her smile in glee which cause the boys to blush

"There!...,you look adorable"she praise her and hug her which Kuroko respond the hug

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