The Swim Team (part 2)

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"I see someone caught your eye."

"Y-yeah... she did."

Jihan laughed at how flushed her new friend seemed. Probably the Zoa effect a lot of people seem to fall victim to it Jihan thought and she did have to admit Zoa definitely was gorgeous almost as gorgeous as her favorite group Loona.

"Hey Jihan do you know who she is?"

"Know who, who is?" Jiyoon asked as she approached the two sophomores, "Hey Little Lee, Little Lee's friend mind if I joined?"

"Whoa Jiyoon unnie I'm a big fan of course you can join." Jihan said enthusiastically to her art idol before moving herself to make way for Jiyoon to sit next to her. "Unnie I love your paintings and compositions it would be an honor to work with you someday!"

"Aww sure why not anything for a fan," Jiyoon said with a proud smile on her face and turn her attention to Jaehee. "So who you wanna know about?"

"Jo Hye Won." Jihan informed.


"Wait so you two do know who she is?"

"Err who doesn't??" Jiyoon asked like it was the most obvious thing on earth.

"Umm me. I don't know who she is."

"I think what Jiyoon unnie is means is that she is really really popular. The entire swim team is actually but especially those three they are basically campus royalty."

"I remember Soojin unnie telling me that the sports department gets special treatment from the school heads."

"Not the school heads Little Lee, the entire student body too. And to brag a bit I am friends with Jimin and Soeun the other two girls who are currently making out at that table over there."

"Whaa Jiyoon unnie your so cool."

"Then shouldn't you be sitting with them?" Jaehee asked.

"Eh it's a imagine thing... anyway to round things up they are the it group of the school and the swim team is by far the most successful base in the entire district."

"Yeah so its really hard to get close to them plus they are kinda intimidating." Jihan said while munching on her sandwich.

"I don't know about the other two but Zoa seems pretty nice to me."

"Ahhh she's fallen already." Jiyoon asked Jihan who simply smiled and nodded. "Okay well Little Lee let us give you the run down. Agent dimples if you may." Jiyoon gestured for water which Jihan provided and then got ready to explain their school hierarchy...

"So let's start from the top, KIM JIMIN, aka Monday, the day most swim meets are on hence the nickname. She is a junior like me and is the Captain of the swim team. She is basically the pride of our school and a total ACE in everything she does."

"She is totally perfect." Jihan commented

Jiyoon continued, "She got it from me you know. Anyway... She got a fully funded scholarship to the top sports university in sophomores year too."

"Whaa if I could get a singing gig this year I'd probably cry of happiness."

"Yeah and don't mess with her girlfriend because she won't hesitate to beat you up." Jiyoon warned.

"I heard that she beat up two seniors for flirting with Soeun during the summer festival last year!!" Jihan said remembering the rumors of last year.

"Yep she did. She basically hates everyone except Soeun. I guess she doesn't mind Zoa too and me of course. Next is PARK SOEUN, Jimins girlfriend. She is a junior too and also part of the swim team. I guess you kinda wouldn't think she is a good swimmer because she has more of a I'm too pretty to practice vibe but she is surprisingly good too. Oh pro tip Jaehee, don't go into the locker rooms after swim practice because they are probably you know..."

"Huh know what?" Jihan had a confused look on her face but Jiyoon brushed it off because she thought she was too innocent.

"Anyway, one thing about Soeun is she is probably as dumb as she is rich. The main reason why she doesn't fail is because her parents own the school and probably half of Seoul and she is the only child that will inherit everything. But don't let the fact that she isn't the brightest fool you she has a pretty face and knows how to use it. Probably one of the biggest flirts around but weirdly loyal to Jimin."

"Noted. But can you kinda hurry it up to Zoa please." Jaehee begged wanting to know more about her new crush.

"Oh yeah I actually don't know that much. She is still a freshman. A superstar swimmer. Super popular. Has a fan club and lots of admirers."

"So you basically saying that I don't have a chance with her..." Jaehee said looking a bit defeated. Jihan and Jiyoon made sure to comfort her and reassure her and make sure that she knows that she is pretty enough but Jaehee still seemed a bit down. Lunch ended and Jiyoon walk with the two sophomores to class before bidding them goodbye. Out the window of her class Jaehee spotted Zoa who had PE right now and couldn't help but roll her eyes when a group of girls went up to her and were 'feeling her muscles' Great it's the first day and I already have a crush on the most popular girl in school that I have no chance with! Can't this day just end!

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