Questions 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37

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Leo: Yeah! We got more questions!

Annabeth: Yep and they are once again from pookiedragonfire.

Percy: First one is; Did Poseidon blood adopt bloom or did it the old way?

Poseidon: Old fashion way. That's why her orange hair naturally fades into a jet black.

Bloom: It's also why I have one cyan eye and one Sea-green eye.

Zeus: -_-

Zeus: Next question is; How many schools has Bloom been expelled from?

Bloom: Eh... hehe, um... 10 or 11 schools... I think. I lost track.

Sky: I'm sorry but... What!?

Hades: Next question; Do Oritel and Marion know about Bloom's past?

Bloom: They know. Mom doesn't mind but my stepfather doesn't pay any attention to me. Though I don't mind. I could care less if he ever payed any attation to me.

Bloom: Besides, I already have an awesome dad!

Percy: Agreed.

Poseidon: Awww, thanks kids.

Percy and Bloom: No prob dad!

Annabeth: Next question; How did she(Bloom) break the news to Sky about her past?

Bloom: Uh, I was arriving back from summer break and I dropped off of the back of a Pegasus and scared the living day lights out of him. So I had a lot of explaining to do.

Percy: Oof.

Sky: I'm still mad about that.

Bloom*does puppy-dog eyes* I said sorwy.

Sky: Don't. Just don't give me that look. I love you but please just stop giving me that look.

Piper: The next question is;  How overprotective and possessive is Sky?

Bloom: .... Worse than Percy and the Olympians combined.

Everyone else: *crickets*

Me: Lets take a break.

*After Le~ break*

Jason: Okay... Next question is; Did Tritannus ever try to fight all of Poseidon's children to take over the sea?

Bloom: Nope.

Percy: And if he did, he'd be fucked.

Bloom: Agreed. 

Sky: I'm scared to ask but why?

Annabeth: Poseidon is the god of the sea, horses, earthquakes. He also has a bad temper sometimes.

Sky: Okay... I'm am going to stop you there. That's enough to give me nightmares.

Bloom: He's usually pretty chill. He doesn't get mad that often.

Sky: Still.

Leo: Anyways, the last question is; Bloom if their was a family day at Alfea who (or should I say how many) would show up?

Bloom: Oh my gods. *breaks into laughter*

Sky: Hm?

Bloom: Lets see. My dad; My godly step-mom; three brothers- Percy, Tyson and Triton; My four cousins- Thalia, Jason, Hazel, Nico; My uncles- Zeus, Chiron(the camp activity director), Hades; My aunts- Hestia, Hera, Demeter; my distance relative- Frank; and the rest of the Eight(my Au- Bloom was there for everything the seven did in the second series)- Annabeth, Piper, and Leo. As well as Luke and Will. We literately treat each other like family. That's all so 21.

Thalia: Hold on... Chrion and FRANK are related to you and Percy!?

Percy: Yeah.

Jason: I'm beyond confused.

Hazel: Same.

Me: Welp bye and have a awesome day/night. Also please vote and comment more questions.

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