Christmas related questions!!!!

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Percy: YES!

Luke: Crack heads.

Thalia: oof, but it's true.

Hazel: Well... first question what do you want the most for Christmas?

Percy: Well I'll get to be with my all of my friends so a Pillow Pet Panda, UwU.

Bloom: The gods to get their shit together.

Luke: Same.

Thalia: Yeah.

Leo: A Fez.

Luke: You made him watch doctor Who didn't you, Piper?

Piper: Yeah.

Piper: Anywho, A gag for Drew.

Annabeth, Thalia, Percy, Bloom: HELL YES! GAG THE BITCH!

Jason: Okay... a sac to put the statue of Zeus that's in Cabin 1 in.

Bloom: That statue is as ugly as Zeus himself.

Percy: And creepy. 

Frank: My life to not be tied to a stick.

Hazel: For my curse to be gone.

Annabeth: Some of that coffee powder that the Hecate cabin is making.

Bloom: I can get that Annie. They owe me a favor anyway for stopping an explosion that someone from their cabin caused.

Sky: *Comes up behind Bloom crying*

Sky: *hugs her while hanging his head down*

Bloom: *turns around and hugs him* What's wrong?

Sky: M-my p-parents a-are ar-arguing a-again.

Percy: Dude, that's at least better than having an abusive dad.

Luke: Next question is Who would you like to be under the mistletoe toe with?

Bloom: *slightly blushing* Sky.

Sky: *Blushes while stuttering* B-bl-bloom.

Percy: Annabeth.

Piper: Jason.

Annabeth: Percy.

Jason: Piper.

Leo: Idk.

Luke: Same.


Piper: Hey Bloom.

Bloom: Yes Pipes?

Piper: Look above your head.

Bloom: Hm *looks above her*

*Mistletoe is above her and Sky's head*

Bloom: Welp, might as well stick to my word.

Bloom: *Grabs Sky by his waist and Kisses him*

Sky: 0>0 *blushes*

Bloom: Next one is, you're walking down the street, feeling great — what holiday song would be playing in the background?

Bloom: Rocking around the Christmas tree.

Percy: Same.

Thalia: Idk.

Luke: Same.

Leo: Let it go.


Jason: Have yourself a merry little Christmas.

Piper: Agreed.

Hazel and Frank: Silent Night.

Annabeth: Probably one of the cheery ones.

Sky: I don't know any.

Thalia: Next question is, Finish this thought, "It wouldn't be Christmas without _____."

Thalia: Reyna.

Luke: Friends.

Percy: Dad.

Leo: Food.

Piper: Snow.

Jason: Sleep.

Annabeth: plans.

Bloom: Everyone but Luke is wrong in my book. The answer is FAMILY! Blood and non blood related.

Sky: Why am I not surprised.

Luke: The last question for this chapter is how do you imagine your "15 minutes of fame" happening?

Luke: I had mine when I switched sides by killing myself.

Percy: doing something heroic but dying while doing so.

Bloom: Dying in the process of saving someone completely random.

Thalia, Annabeth, and Jason: Same.

Piper, Frank, Hazel, and Leo: Idk

Me: Comment questions(Holiday related please), Vote, and have a great day/night/afternoon. 

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