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There was the button, the reddest thing he'd ever witnessed. The red glow pulsating periodically underneath it. Below it, were engraved words: Execute the XIX algorithm.

He got goosebumps even thinking about it. The connection, now he felt through his fingertips. It was fading away and now he came to realise it's importance. This warm feeling in his fingertips, his body was always there, but now as it ceased to exist, he noticed, the ice that pierced through his fingers.

The coldest thing he'd ever witnessed.

His saw his fingers glowing red in that glowing bulb, and the cold intensified. Like opposite poles of a magnet coming together, the invisible dragged his index finger into the button, more like a plug going into a socket. He even heard a sound, the button clicking, like electric sparks.

His finger felt frozen, lifeless, but more fascinating was the fact that, despite him shivering, he kept his eyes open, and saw what he could only explain as magic — his finger penetrating inside the apparently solid button.

And almost captivated by ripples on the red glowing surface of the button, he forgot the cold. Not knowing that it was his own blood that was red.

Not knowing that everything he once called real, was trembling behind him, shaking and falling apart into the void. Like a constant and planned earthquake, except the world was a fell down into nothingness.

In a soil where nothing could grow, nothing existed except impossible math. In the virtual infinite, designed to be the limit of the world, collapsed everything real, denying its reality.

The shaking intensified and so did the pain, the cold. Exotic sounds he'd never witnessed before, now flooded his ears. The world was divided into visible chunks that unloaded from existence, into the endless nothingness — the void. Life was being sucked away from his world and body, both the same. But he was still focused on that button, how that his fingers interacted with that substance.

He was not thinking, he was feeling. He was feeling something he'd never felt before. All he had done his entire life was witness new things. But feeling something new was an epic of its own kind.

His eyes were wet and liquid drippled down, as he stared at his distorted, bloody finger, realising that this liquid was no tear, it was the liquid that it was supposed to be. And everything froze in place, he moved no more.

As his body disintegrated into brown nothingness and fell into the pale blue void. Without any backup. He knew it was a one-way journey. Things were supposed to be changing, and they were indeed — changing — faster than he could comprehend. Like there was no way he was coming back here. He knew that his perception of reality was shattered now.

The button and its pedestal, along with the words engraved on it, broke down into dust, that fell down the blinding void, disappearing completely. Until there was absolutely nothing left.   


He was sprinting as fast as he could, far beyond his previously estimated limits. Hyperventilating, as he ran through his incinerating muscles. Parkouring his way to what seemed like a never-ending maze of slummy and short buildings. The buildings were packed as tightly as possible. All of them were made up of grey concrete. All of them were new and identical and lifeless. This concrete desert went infinitely in all directions possible. Loudly panting his way through one light grey roof to another, one jump after another. As his mind lambasted his decision, that was almost tearing and piercing through his muscles.

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