[phan & destiel] Spooky Phil

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update: its about 5 months later. I apologise for this monstrosity.

wth even is this title i don't know don't ask me
oh also btw this phan & spn but don't worry it's okay if you don't watch spn you can still read it but if you don't watch supernatural I recommend you do but don't if you want to keep your social life unless of course you're like me and didn't have one in the first place

TRIGGER WARNINGS: character death


Third person but Dan's POV

He sobbed and cried. He couldn't stop blaming himself.

How could I let that happen? If only I was paying attention. It's my fault he's gone.

It had been two weeks since his boyfriend, Phil, died in a car crash. Dan always blamed himself, as he was driving the car. They were going on a nice date to a resturaunt just outside of the city, and Dan was just staring at Phil, taking in all of his beauty, not paying attention to the road, when he started to swerve, and another car hit them, on the passenger side, crushing Phil and killing him immediately. Dan however, was staring at Phil beforehand, meaning he was too shocked to look away, as the life was quickly drained out of Phil. Dan survived the crash, with only a broken leg, and wrist. He didn't even notice his broken bones until he was in the hospital. He was too devastated about Phil.

How was he going to tell his subscribers about him? Phil's channel was due for another video right away. They didn't even get the confirmation that Phan was real. He began sobbing again, even harder, when he heard a door click open. He was home alone.

He got up to check what it was, and discovered that it was Phil's door that opened.

His eyes widened, and he had the tiniest sliver of hope that it could be Phil's spirit. He was almost 100% sure it wasn't though, as he didn't believe in the paranormal and all that crap.

But that's when Lion fell off the dresser.

The windows were closed, he couldn't feel a draft, the ventilation wasn't on.

Could it... No. None of that crap was real.

Then again, his Kill Bill poster just fell off the wall. Actually it was more like it had been peeled off.

Dan was starting to get really freaked out now.

No, this wasn't real. Ghosts aren't real. I'm just suffering from denial, refusing to believe that Phil's gone.

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