The Tale Behind

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(Sorry for the long wait, if you read my one-shot book you would learn i was injured and haven't been able to write, but hey i got google docs on my phone and have written a bunch of chapters for you all)

Trevor pov

I slowly open my eyes, my head pulsing with a headache. I groan slightly, lifting a hand to rub my face, 'what happened...' i wonder to myself. I sit up looking around my room confused, only to jump slightly when my door opens. "Oh good, you're awake now, you gave me quite a worry Trevor" the voice speaks and i turn, "Sorry Devin, i guess my powers acted up..." Devin purses his lips humming, "you panicked really badly at the weird room" i wince "i, uh, have a history with that room" he nods "i see" the room falls silent for a moment "is it to much to ask why?" He asks with caution, i shrug, "i should probably tell someone.." *he smiles gently and waves his hand toward me, a silent "when you're ready" lingering in the air. I take a breath before sighing.

"My parents were amazing people, they were magicless, but strong in their own right. Sadly the land we lived in was full of war and anger, two guilds, both dark, tried to rule the land and as a result many lives were lost, my parents included......when i saw them dead fires raging around me, i screamed in horror which got the attention of the guilds. They both saw potential in me as i was still a child so they started to chase after me. I was on the run for quite awhile when....."

Devin scoffs "you say you're fine but its clear you're not!" I wince "Devin.." he glares at me "Trevor, you had a panic attack over that single room, you hate your magic and only use it if it is truly needed, like someone will die! That's not a good thing!" I frown "how can yo-'' he groans "because i was in your shoes! After i was free from Eden, and his control of me, i didn't use my magic for months, that was until Michael changed my mind and helped me" i blink "oh" he nods, "so let me help you" i nod slowly "okay" he smiles "you're welcome"

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