The Bonding

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Trevor pov

Once inside the castle/guild hall, i walk around the place just until i reach the memorial room, there i spot Kit, her back is to me, but i can see her tensed up shoulders. Frowning, I step inside calling out her name "Kit?" she jumps a bit turning her head toward me, "oh hey Trevor" she says softly and i wave, she turns back toward the statue in the center of the room, Ritchie, i step next to her placing my hand on her shoulder, she's glaring at him before she softly whispers "you know i hated his guts" i don't interrupt, "he had drunk himself into an unstable mind-set, and then when we tried to help he attacked us and in the end killed my best friend Tapio." I wince, guilt eating at my stomach for some reason. She lets out a tired laugh "after we got Brandon back he promised to stop drinking....he never did..." i grip her shoulder slightly and she turns to me "he was like a big brother to me but he lost all that respect because of his actions" I purse my lips not sure what to say, Kit sighs looking back at the statue "yet all i feel now is stupid for not saying i forgive him" i blink and, Kit lets out a soft, watery, scoff, "he was in so much pain and none of us understood so we just assumed he was in the wrong...after he died i've done so much research on twins...turns out they're connected on more than a physical plaine" i oh and she snorts "yeah..." she sighs and silence comes between us.

After a bit, she softly says "he had two" i blink "pardon?" almost not hearing her. She looks at me "he had two demons" my head tilts "demons?" she nods "yeah, remember the things we all told you about our magics? Like Dragon slayer? Demon slayer?" I ah, as i understand now, she nods "he had two, not only was he drunk off his rocker, he was fighting his two demons so they wouldn't take control of his body, and he had to suffer, probably through his dreams, watching what happened to his brother and not knowing how to help him." My eyes widen as she continues tears springing to her eyes. "He was going through all of this and not a single one of us in the guild cared, we were just angry that he was treating us like garbage" I pull her into a hug, and she cries into my chest. After some time she pulls back and smiles at me softly wiping her eyes "thanks Trevor" i smile softly "i'm sorry i couldn't be more of a help" she shakes her head "you're doing enough" i sheepishly smile and she laughs "see exactly like that" i smile wider and she smiles back "i'd better go, seeya Trev" i hum and wave her goodbye as she runs out of the room, before turning back to the statue of Ritchie. "You broke them you know, they miss you dearly" i say softly the statue doesn't move and i sigh "what was i thinking, you're just a statue" i mumble to myself, about to leave but i hear a creak and spin toward the sound, and my eyes widen as i see Ritchie's statue about to fall, i rush forward to catch it......

"What happened?" A voice says from the ruins of the room, body trapped under something large and heavy. Footsteps are heard but the person can't see who made them, the pain of being crushed force the male's mind into darkness a single word shouted before he fades reaches his ears "TREVOR!"

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