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We walk out of the stadium and into the car park where I had left my car. I throw Elliot the keys and he climbs in the drivers seat.

"Back to your place first and then mine?" He asked and I nodded. He quickly started up the car and began our small drive to my place.

I had a flat in London but it was bigger than most flats so it would be called more of a house.

I pressed a few buttons on the center console and Good Charlotte's CD began to play. Elliot smiled and turned it up. We soon arrived at my house.

It had three stories and was designed by myself and a friend who was an architect. I loved it but due to my job I didn't stay there very often which was a shame.

"I think the next job after this one will be one where I can come back here every night. Then maybe I'll get back to touring." I say as I fumble around in the bag that was in the boot of the car.

The first floor of my house was the kitchen and dining area which were mainly made of old wooden cabinets with glass doors. The second floor was the games room, music room and the living room which were all very different.

The music room was filled with different instruments and recording equipment for myself and other famous people to practice in. The games room was filled with different games to play and movies to watch. The walls were covered in posters of bands.

The living room was light and open with huge windows and in one corner of the room the roof lifted to reveal a multitude of books and a hammock. The only way to get up there is by a ladder that is kept in a different corner.

The last floor was one huge room which was my bedroom. We knocked all the walls down and made the space elegant but mine. My favorite thing in there was: my wardrobe.

This is only because it has everything I could ever want, clothes-wise, in it. From dresses worthy of the red carpet to ripped skinny jeans that were two years old to sweatpants and oversized hoodies.

Posters and poleriods littered the walls, paintings I had created and brought were also there. Also in one corner was a mini fridge and a cupboard filled with sweets and chocolate. My bed was huge and took up quite a lot of room.

I quickly grabbed my ready suitcase and ran back down the flights of stairs to the kitchen where Elliot was rifling through the cupboards.

"Right now to yours and the to the tour bus." I say and we climb back into the car and drive ten minutes down the road to Elliot's apartment.

I wait in the car while he goes into the flat and grabs his own suitcase. He soon returned and shoves it in the back next to mine.

We get to our individual buses and lug our stuff on board. I walk back out and hug Elliot and say goodnight then return to the cozy bus and get changed into my night clothes. I fall asleep almost instantly.

I wake up at my normal time of 5:30 and sit on the edge of my bunk. I have trained my body to wake up at this time as it gives me time to be alone and be in the stadium before anyone else.

I shower and get dressed into some black skinny jeans, a dark red vest and my black hoodie. I walk off the empty tour bus and make my way over to the back door which was left open by me last night. I slip inside and make my way towards the arena.

To my surprise Gerard from My chemical romance was there tucked up in the front row of seats. As I near him I could hear that he was awake and muttering to himself. I walk until I am next to him and cough politely. He spins around and looks relived that it's me.

"Hi Gerard. What are you doing here this early in the morning?" I say and he shakes his head.

"Been here all night. Couldn't sleep. He's back." He says quickly. This is worrying so I walk round him and sit next to him.

"Who's here Gerard? And where is he?" I say and he makes a strange sound then forces himself to tell me.

"His name is Ryan. Ryan Ross. And he keeps moving but there he is." At the name I freeze and slowly turn to where Gerard is pointing towards the stage.

"Fucking hell. Hello Ryan." I say and the guy turns around with a manic grin on his face.

"Well hello to my two favorite people in this world. My haven't you grown. But then so have I." He says and Gerard looks at me in astonishment.

"Wait, you can see him too?" He says and I grimace.

"Yup, unfortunately."

"Hey now, no need to be rude. What have I ever done to you?" Ryan says and I glare at him.

"Hmm let me see. You told me to kill my best friend, my family, my dog. You told me to kill myself and gave you me a detailed plan on how to go about it just so I could be with you. You told me that I was fat, ugly and annoying when I was twelve. Oh and that time you got me put in the pysh ward of the hospital for six months. Yeh you did nothing to me." I say angrily to him which he laughed off.

"Well I did more than that to little old Gee over here. Didn't I?" he turns towards Gerard who flinches and nods.

"Gerard we need to talk." After I say this I vault on to the stage and execute the trick I worked out when Ryan used to be around. First, pinch his neck which for some reason stops him moving and then punch him in the chest.

Looking hurt he disappears with a small puff. "He normally leaves you alone if you do that." I tell Gerard.

I get off the stage and lead Gerard off towards my tour bus. But before we get there we pass my crew.

"Uh hi guys. Gerard you know where the bus is right?" He nods and hurries off.

"Okay guys we did good yesterday so why don't you go off to a theme park or some shit. I have shit to do." Their eyes light up at this idea and soon they are walking off to make plans but Elliot stays behind.

"Hey, is something wrong?" he says and I simply nod but he gestures for me to carry on.

"Well something happened in the stadium but I'll tell you the rest later go, have fun." I say with fake enthusiasm and he falls for it, hugs me and runs off after the others.

I walk quickly to my bus and walk on to see Gerard sat on my small couch.

"Hey, so what did Ryan do to you?" I ask carefully and he laughs a bitter laugh.

"What didn't he do would be the better question. Well I became hooked on alcohol which he forced my to steal off my mum and I used to cut a lot. Like a lot lot. I almost died three times from cuts alone not including the pill over doses to try and get rid of him. Before he disappeared one of the things he told me to do was hit my younger brother until he died. His names Mikey, you know the one in my band. After he left I stopped drinking and cutting and formed the band. Its an emotional release sort of like cutting. It wasn't a good time." he says and I nod my head.

"Its weird that we can both see him but whatever. If he comes near you just do the trick I did to him and he should disappear but if not just run as fast as you can to a small place, closets are good." I advise and he nods.

"Thanks Alex that's the best advice I've ever had." Hes smiles and walks off the tour bus. I smile and follow him off there

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2015 ⏰

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