Chapter Five

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"You need to leave. Now." I tell the boy. "You will end up dead." He doesn't seem very concerned with the fact that he is probably going to be dead within the week if he doesn't leave.

"You're the Princess. Princess Avery. The lost princess. The one everyone thought was dead." Well this could kind of ruin Aaliyah's plans. "We need to get you to safety." I shake my head, either he is stupid or he just isn't listening to me.

"I don't need to leave. I am safe. The beast doesn't come here." I swallow hard, hoping he'll believe that lie.

"Then let's bring everyone here. They'll be safer here."

"No! We cannot do that. There is no food, or beds, the interior of this castle is ruined. They will never survive here. "

He stares at me as if I've gone crazy. "O-o-okay Your Highness."

I roll my eyes. "Don't call me that. Call me Avery. And you are?"

He gets up and holds out his hand. "My name is Blake, anything you need Your... Avery, I am at your service. "

"You're truly not leaving are you?" I ask sullenly.

"No Avery, I am not." I sigh dramatically. This is the worst case possible.

"Then I suppose I better take you on a tour of the castle."

"That would be wonderful." He says way too excitedly for my liking.

I lead Blake out of the dungeons and to the entrance way of the castle. "I'm guessing I don't need to explain what this is, do I?" I ask sarcastically.

"No. You don't. I'm not that stupid." He replies just as sarcastically. I just stare at him, that's no way to talk to a princess.

"Good god, you're annoying." I point to my left, "That's the greeting room which leads to the great dining room." He nods along and follows the direction of my hand as I point to the right, "And that's the way to the kitchen and the maid's rooms, not that there is any left."

"They're all deceased?" I give him a blank stare. Either he's really stupid or he's just being polite. I spin around to face the stairs that lead to the bedrooms and come face to face with Rebecca. 

"Uh-oh. This isn't good." I mutter under my breath.

"Avery. Who is this man and why is he in the castle? And where has the man gone from the dungeons?" Rebecca says without letting out a breath. Blake moves to stand in front of me protectively. I roll my eyes as I push his arm away.

"This is Blake. He's in the castle because he won't leave -" Before I even finish my sentence, Rebecca has a dagger up against his throat. "Becca! What are you doing! Let him go!" Reluctantly she releases Blake from her death touch. "If you had let me finish, he wouldn't leave me alone in the castle with the beast still roaming free. And that man in our dungeons was his father. He released him. It was about time he went anyway. Now go get a room ready for him."

"Yes, Your Highness." She taunts. I stick my middle finger up at her and watch as she walks away laughing.

Turning to Blake, I look over him quickly to make sure he isn't bleeding. "I'm so sorry about that. She can get really protective over me, especially with a person she hasn't previously checked out. But that doesn't excuse what she just did, I'm sorry."

"It's fine. Why did you have my father locked up?"

"He was trespassing and sneaking around the grounds. He refused to talk so we locked him up, in hopes that we could get him to talk later. I believe that he was working for the rebel group that sides with Kinnon."

Blake nods vigorously. I must have said something right.

"I'm sorry about my father, Rebecca seems like a lovely woman. Is she your maid?"  He questions innocently. I scoff - if only Becca could hear this.

"I AM NOT HER MAID!" Rebecca yells from up the stairs and I grin. She really does have supersonic hearing.

"No she isn't my maid, as you've just been yelled at. She is my wingwoman. And she was my fathers first female in his army. She was only a teenager when she got in."

"Wow. That's amazing. I wish I could handle a sword and fight with it rather than injuring myself." He professes.

"I'm sure I could get her to teach you." I confess.

"Really? You'd do that for me?" I nod and point to the stairs.

"So should we continue the tour? Or are you finally bored yet?"

"No, no. I'm good. Let's keep going." He says.

After finishing showing Blake around the castle, including the grounds, and securely tucking him away in his own room, I find Rebecca waiting in my office. "I know what you're going to say." I mutter as soon as I see her.

"What were you thinking?" She yells.

"Oh my god, shut up or he'll hear you. I was thinking that I can't have him telling my people that their Princess is alive and well living it up in the castle." I state.

"Okay, fair point. So, are you going to tell him?" She asks. I swear she's like a bloodhound out for the kill.

"Of course I'm not going to tell him. I'm not stupid."

"Well you clearly are. He's going to find out one way or another." Have I mentioned that I really hate it when she's right?

"We'll cross that when we come to it. Oh and you've got to teach him how to wield a sword as well as teaching him how to fight." I smirk.

"You have got to be kidding me!" She screeches as she gets up and leaves my office. Avery one, Rebecca zero. I just have to hope and pray that she doesn't kill him in the process.  There's something about Blake that draws you in. Entrances you. It's like a spell that takes control over your whole body. And I know what that feels like, trust me. It's like a pain, a tissue deep pain that you can't shift. It sticks around for a long time.  I hope the beast version of me doesn't push him away.

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