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I woke up this morning in my bed. I remember falling asleep on the bus but that's it. I sat up and seen leah walk into the room, she had food on plates. She smiled at me and walked over, i moved over as she lay next to me handing me a plate of food. I smiled at her lightly.

"good morning sleepyhead"

"good morning, blondie. How'd i get here? I remember falling asleep on the bus"

"you fell asleep in my arms, quite cute actually. I carried you up and placed you in your bed"
I lay my head on leahs shoulder.

"i thought you would be tired so i went and got our breakfast and brought it up"

"you're the best, lee"

"i know i am"

"shut up"
I joked

"have you seen the draw for the round of 16?"
She asked. I've not checked my phone since i posted on instagram last night

"no, i've not been on my phone or anything. Who did we get?"

"we got Cameroon and if we advance into the quarter final we will be against either Norway or Australia"

"This is it then. Each game is a must win"

"yeah, we need to play every game like it's a final"

"do we have training today?"

"no, not today"

"oh alright"

"that means you get to spend the day with me"

"yeah, i don't want to spend the whole day with you"


"because i will get bored. I don't have 101 things to talk about leah"

"yeah, either do i but i like being in your company"

"as do i but it's a bit much"

"i can't tell if you're being serious or not"

"i am. I don't know if this is right"

"if what is right?"

"us, leah. I don't know if me and you are right together"

"we aren't together"

"i know but whatever this is, i don't know if it's right"
Leah got up and walked towards the door

"where are you going?"

Is the last thing leah said before she walked out. I just sighed.

I'm such an idiot. I don't know what happened let alone why that happened. I've never done this before. I feel like i'm returning back to my old ways, pushing people away. I feel like my parents a little. I just hurt leah and i could see that in her face and the way she left. I don't like hurting people especially people i care about and that's exactly what i've just done. I slipped sliders on my feet and walked downstairs, slowly. I got downstairs and could hear all of the girls talking and laughing. I walked in the room and my eyes instantly met with leahs, she was sitting with keira, lucy, jordan, beth, toone, fran, and beth england. She looked at me before looking away. I then put my plate where the dirty dishes go and sat over next to georgia who was at a table with ellie, alex, steph, esme, jill, hempo and ellen. I sat down beside georgia who put a hand on my back as i put my elbows on the table, placing my face in the palm of my hands.

"well, well, well if it isn't the girl of the hour"
steph said

"what's that supposed to mean?"

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