1. love at first sight?

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Luke pov:

It was a normal day in the end of second grade. Luke was doing some math problems with his friends in the school halls. Things were great with Luke, like his school was doing great, good relationships with his parents, friends and even with a few girls. 

His bestfriends and him was just a normal friendgroup in primary school, nothing special really. Their teacher was a nice middle aged woman with red hair and she usually wore flower dresses and cute socks, which made her seem a nice innocent teacher, like she was, but in free time... uh yeah we dont talk about that.

Luke and his friends were talking about the math problems until the class's girl group came to them

"Guys remember to go to class in 10mins, the teacher had something to tell us.", one of the girls said.

"Oh did she tell what is it?" Luke asked curiously.

The girls asked eachother did any of them know but no one didn't so they all were pretty excited. "No, we dont but hopefully it's something instead of homework." the girls said, as they left back to do their work.

The boys kept doing their math problems until they had to go back to class. Not a long time goes until the 10minutes is over, so they gather all their stuff and leave for the surprise.

As they took their seats in class  the teacher rang a bell which was a sign to be quiet so she could speak, "So as you might've heard I have something to tell you.. does anyone wanna guess?" she asked the class.

One of the students raised their hand, "Yes?", "Is it maths homework, because if it is im not gonna do it", they said hoping she would say no. 

The teacher let out a small giggle,  "Haha no it's not homework! Anyone else wanna guess? Yes, Levi?"  Levi was one of Lukes bestfriends.

"Hmm, Is it a new student?", he asked.

"Yes!!  You guessed it." The teacher said as she turned to the whiteboard to write something. "We have three new students coming to this class tommorow, and there will be two boys and one girl, so I hope you all welcome them to this class with open hands, because Im sure they will be very stressed for the first days." She said as she wrote the new students names to the whiteboard.

There were alots of whispering in the class as expected. Luke and his friends were excited of the new student because they could be friends with them, "What does it say on the table?" Luke asked his friend. "It says Tony, Sarah and Jamie, they're probably the names of the new students." Levi said.

"So as you all know we dont anyone to feel lonely when they first come here and they're probably gonna be lost if no one shows them around a little, so are there any volunteers to show them around the school?"  The teacher asked.

A few seconds pass by until some people start volunteering. Two of the girls chose to show places to Sarah and some of the boys chose Tony, so Jamie was the only one left. "Should we choose Jamie?" Luke asked quietly so the teacher wouldn't hear. "Sure", Levi said as he lift his hand up to volunteer, "Me and Luke can help Jamie tommorow!" he said.

"Awesome!" the teacher said. They will be here tommorow, so remember to be nice to them and the volunteers you can discuss with them about the school tour, but it seems like the school day is over for you guys now! See you tommorow."

The students started leaving the class with their friends, chatting about the new student. 

"I'm excited about tommorow, are you?" Luke asked Levi. "Yeah! It would be great to get a new friend." Levi answered as they were leaving the school. Levi and Luke walked to the bikes parking area and said 'byes'  and went home. 

-Time skip-

The next morning was very warm and the sun was shining nicely. Luke had been thinking about the new student all night, and his excitment grew even bigger when he got to school. He saw Levi in the school yard talking to the new boy, Jamie.

Luke walked over and greeted the new boy, "Hey I'm Luke, nice to meet you and welcome to the class! " He said in a welcoming tone. Jamie looked a bit like Luke, both had glasses, blonde hair and their facial features lookes a bit similar, but if something Luke was taller.

"Hey, I'm Jamie!" The boy said. "uh hey? Are you there?" he said waving his hand infront of Lukes face. It seemed like Luke was just zoned out, but what went on in Lukes mind was a diffrent kind of feeling and tought. 

"Why is he kinda.. hot?


Wait what?

Do i find a boy hot?

Ye-    No.

It can't be.

Oh wait I zoned out for too long.

"Uh yeah, hey!" I came back to reality, still seeing Jamie and Levi infront of me. "You alright dude? Levi asked me. "Yeah, no worries I just zoned out somehow, anyway the class is gonna start soon so let's be ready."

The three boys waited for the bell to ring and not long goes until it rings and they go inside. In class they everyone introduced themselfs to the new students, and the day seemed to go real well for everyone, i mean it was friday after all.

Luke and Levi showed Jamie the school and told about its rules and areas. Things went well for them and they did become good friends as they planned, so they decided to ask Jamie if he wants to hangout on the weekned, and he agreed.

end of chapter 

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