3. The spring feast

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It was the day of the spring fest. The sun was shining and almost every student of the school was getting ready for the feast. Everyone were excited of the upcoming holiday which was ten weeks long, so you could hangout with your friends and do dumb shit together and even get to know to your new classmates. But before all this the students had the party and some of them had the prom.

The clock is 9.30 when the first people start arriving to the school, but they had to wait dor atleast 30 minutes until the feast would start. 

Jamie and Luke were planning to meet on the bikes parking area, so they could go inside at the same time. The boys were texting eachother about the upcoming parties and a bunch of other stuff. They decided to meet at the parking lot at 9.50 so they would have 10 minutes to wait for their other friends.

The morning went quickly doing some chores and getting ready,  so it felt like 5minutes until they had to leave for school. When they got to the parking lot they went to talk to their friends like Tony and Levi. They were talking about the feast and the prom and with who they were going.

Jamie and Luke didn't tell anyone that they were going together, because they knew that their friends would take it as a joke or they would start bullying them and stop hanging out with them and of course they didn't want that.

A few minutes pass and finally they start heading inside for the feast. 

"Last day it is.." Luke said in disbelief.

"Yeah I can't believe it." Levi agreed.

Tony laughed a bit, "Are you guys sad that this is over or something? Summer break litreally starts tomorrow and then we get to do so much fun shit!" He shouted like he had been waiting for this moment for his whole life.

"Well yeah you're right" Jamie said, "But I'm kinda stressing about middle school.. I mean we could get seperated to diffrent classes" 

"Nahh don't worry, dude. We'll find new friends anyway and there's gonna be some people from other schools too." Tony cheered them up.

"True. I know alots of people from kylamajo, the school like three miles away from here yknow." Luke said in a relieved tone.

"Well you can introduce me to them then" Jamie said.

"Yeah sure. Anyway let's get to class, the feast is starting in 3 mins." Luke said as he started walking to their classroom.

As expected Makkonen was late, again, but he came to class like 2 minutes after and when he got there he told the class to follow him to the great hall.

In the hall there were alots of decorations and stuff. Almost every student and class was already there but you could see a few of them were missing, so it was a relief that we weren't the last ones.

A few minutes pass by until all of the classes are gathered in the great hall and all they had to do was to wait for the principal to start his every year speech.

FInally the principal starts speaking after arriving to his podium, "Well hello the students and teachers of Lemhos school! We are here to celebrate you all for surviving an another year of school here,  especially the sixth graders that will not be coming here the next year. Anyways today we have alots of diffrent little shows from diffrent grades to see so lets get this feast started with a lovely preformance of the first graders!" 

And then, the boredom of two hours begun.

-lets skip the feast cuz its boring af, just imagine that every show was shit-

When the feast was finally over the students went back to class and recieved their certificates and just enjoyed the last moments of the class.

When it was time to start heading home for a while everyone said their 'goodbyes' to the teacher and some just flipped him off and left the school with pure joy.

At the end they were still coming back there in the evening.

-well time skip there-

People on the schools halls were full of people from lemhos and kylamajos school waiting for the prom to start. Everyone was wearing their best outfits and everyone just looked great. No wonder why most of the guys came alone incase there were a multiple girl couples, which was just the best thing.

Jamie and Luke were waiting for the prom to start with their friends who were with their girl partners, but they didn't have to be ashamed to tell them they had to partner inacse they weren't gonna reveal their date here because Levi came alone, but he didn't care, neither did almost anyone that came alone.

After a while the prom started and the students were invited to the great hall which was full of colored lights and you could hear the music blasting out of the speakers, everyone were just amazed. 

As the tradition goes they dance.

Jamie and Luke chose to not participate on the couple dances so they just watched some couples dancing. They didn't mind about not getting to dance because in reality neither of them actually couldn't even dance.

When some of the dances were danced a slow song started playing

(Just play a song that you like but I recommend "How deep is your love" ;) also the slowed version is better)

Luke didn't wanna sit on the side all the way through the prom so he stood up and asked Jamie to dance with him, "Wanna dance?".

Jamie lift his head up to see Luke looking at him, holding his hand infront of him, "But Luke-"

"No don't worry about it, they won't notice us from all of those people. Let's go." Luke cutted him off and took Jamies hand and brought him to the dancefloor.

"What do I do?" Jamie asked him when they got there.

"Just follow my lead." Luke said as he placed his hands to Jamies waist and pulled him, "touch me."

"W- what?" Jamie whispered.

"Wrap your hands around me" 

"Oh Uh-  okay" Jamie said nervously, as he wrapped his hands around Lukes neck and placed his head on his shoulder.

It took a second for them to get comfortable, but at the end, both of them enjoyed the slow dance.


When the song ended they left back to the side so no one could spot them at the dancefloor together.

Before they sat down Jamie said, "Hey I'm gonna go to the bathroom for a while, see ya in a minute." 

"Oh okay" Luke said, as he watched Jamie leaving.

Luke knew he couldn't be seen with Jamie as his partner infront of all these people so he took his chance. He followed Jamie to the bathroom and watched him go in and waited for his chance. 

When Jamie got out he was pulled right back in. 

Luke pinned him to the wall and looked him deep in to the eyes, "You wont believe how much I wanted to kiss you there.." He said in a deep tone.

"Well if you're so desparate, why didn't you"

"You know exactly why darling." he said as he got even closer.

"Theres no one watching us here, so use your chance.."

Not even a second goes on when Jamie felt Lukes soft lips touching his. 

end of chapter ;)

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