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The older year students, other freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors, were in the front yard using their powers. Every student had different powers.

A group of students led out firework out of their hands that spelled "Welcome New Students"

"Woah..." Some new students looked around.  

"Oh my Stars" Mara grinned.

"Curiouser and Curiouser" Rosalyn gasped.

Ciaran looks surprised. "Well, this day just got more and more amazing" he muttered.

"Hmm..Interesting" Shiva looks around.

The Mysterious boy views to school with a small "Wow" as he looks surprised. He had a somewhat unamused look on his face as he was in the back, somewhat away from the other students as he look off his headphones.

Headmaster then led the Students into the Castle School, He then started to give out a speech about Starlight Academy, like he does with all the new students.

He first snapped his fingers as all the new students luggage disappeared in a puff of smoke. The students looked confused.

"Your luggage is now in your new dorms, Don't Worry you'll get your assigned dorms. Now follow me"

"Welcome to Starlight Academy, We are very trilled to have you join us on this magical Journey. You are here because, you have extraordinary talents, Power Magick or not" Headmaster says. He leads the new students down a hall, the hall had pictures of the past top students, Magick top students and non-Magick students. The Master Wizards through the generations. There was a Magic schools in the human realm for Magicks in the earlier generations but times changed as The Humans and Magicks began to dislike each other.

Rosalyn then saw a Picture of a young 18-19 year old Sebastian with one arm on his hip, with smirk his face and his familiar green staff in his hand. His Picture said "Top Master Wizard-Student" as well as a few other pictures, Master Wizards as well. "In this school, we teach students all about...well Magic. You will learn how to channel your magic, discover new techniques. And most importantly, there is now right or wrong way to use your own specific magic. Now in a few moments, we will began the tour, only the classrooms for now, after the tour, you will be given your new dorms. After that, you will be allowed to explore the rest of the school."


To even enroll in the class, which most Parents did for their children, you had to fill out a profile of Full name, Gender, Age, Birth, Types of powers, etc, and include a video of they're children using their powers. Power Magick or powerless Magick.

A video of Rosalyn was a bit different, it was night time as she was in the streets of Ravanyn along with Pasha, chasing something. It was a shadow creature called a Shadow Wolf, a creature of Dark Magic. At first she trapped it in a purple aura force field bubble, but it soon escaped as she began chasing it through the streets. She then used a purple aura ball at the Shadow Wolf as it works as a rope, grabbing the tail of the Dark Wolf. The Wolf began to run through the streets pulling Rosalyn along with him, while getting dragged she began hitting objects. Rosalyn was inside a truck floor panel, planting her feet and keeps the Shadow Wolf from running away, keeping her balance using the other panel. Before the Shadow Wolf could launch at the her, Shiva zooms down, letting out a blast of rainbow fire, as the force send it backwards. Rosalyn then banished the Shadow Wolf, using a spell that open a magic hole in the ground with purple aura, dragging the Shadow creature into limbo, as the hole then closed.

A video of the unknown boy, he was in his backyard. He was sitting on a tree stump using his glass manipulation to sculpture things out of glass, like objects like stars, flowers, etc. he morphed some glass shards into a glass-sword, as he then began morphing more glass shards into big sculptures, that were a few inches away from him, near the trees, one was a Horse with wings, one was a Wolf, and the other one was a Tiger. He then jumped up from his spot and slammed his fist down onto the ground, making it quake a bit as glass spikes began to sprout up from the ground, cutting through the glass sculptures.

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