12- Kidnapped/ Saving

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Authors note: Hey guys so Sundays Halloween but I'll make the special tomorrow because on Sunday I have other shit to do so yeah onto the story!

                                                                          ~Izuku's POV~

"DAMNIT!" I yelled as people in the mall near me turned their heads towards me.

"Sir are you okay?" A man said coming up to me.

"No... My girlfriend just got kidnapped!" I said panicking.

"Here I'll call the police.." The man said as he pulled out his phone and dialed 110

Yes that's the police phone number in Japan.

"The police is asking when did you last see her?" The man asked

"The last place I saw her was in the woman's restroom. I asked a lady if she saw her and she said no.." I responded I as the man said my exact words to the police.

"They said their on their way to investigate.." The man said.

"Okay thanks." I said as I turned around.

"Also is she with you?" Pointing to Eri who was sitting on the bench by the fountain.

"Oh yeah she is!" I said turning around to see Eri finishing her lollipop and getting up coming towards me.

"Is she your sister?" The man asked.

"No she is my daughter." I responded.

"Oh wow you two already have a kid but she looks noting like you. She probably looks more like her mom." The man said.

"Oh uh no actually my girlfriend is a Burnett." I said rubbing the back of my head.

"Oh so you cheated on her?" The man said looking at me.

"No no of course not I actually "Adopted her.."  well not fully yet I'm watching over her." I said 

"Oh okay then well the police should be here any moment" The man said as the police came running towards us..

"Well looks like there here..." I said.

"Papa! where's Mama?" Eri asked putting her arms up asking me to pick her up.

"Oh um she's still in the restroom!" I responded quickly. As I picked her up

"Oh okay Papa!" Eri said.

"Aww how cute!" The man said leaving.

"So uh she was in the bathroom I said so you should start investigating there. Call me if you find anything, I'm going back to the dorms at U.A. I said as I walked out with Eri in my arms.

"Alright but don't go looking for her or you will get in serious trouble.." The police said as I walked away about to go do that... 

'Damn I can't believe I'm lying to Eri like this..' I thought to myself. As I run back to the dorms with my quirk at 25% and burst through the door.

"Papa? Why are we here without Mama?" Eri asked looking up at me.

"Mama's already here!" I said lying right to her face.

"Ahh Midoryia what are you guys doing here so early and where's Ochako?" Said Momo.

"WellWhileSheWasShoppingForERi'sShoesIWentToAnAllMIghtMerchandiseStoreAndThenWentToTHeJwelerAndWhenWeMeetUpIPutABUtterlyClipInHerHairIncaseSomethingLikeThisWhereToHappenButItsActuallyATrackerAndWhenSheWentINtoTHeBAthroomSheDidn'tComeOutForAWhileSoIAskedTheNextLadyThatCameOutAndSheSaidSheWasn'tInTheirIChekedTheTrakerAndItSaidSheWasn'tAtTheMallSoSheGotKidnapped!!!!" I Said out of breath.

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