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"Я спасаю твою жизнь, и именно так ты решаешь отплатить мне {YA spasayu tvoyu zhizn', i imenno tak ty reshayesh' otplatit' mne\I save your life and this is how you choose to repay me}"The winter soldier said as he and Kassie fought. "Ты спас мне жизнь, потому что не попал в цель. И ты пытаешься убить моего отца, у меня действительно нет выбора {Ty spas mne zhizn', potomu chto ne popal v tsel'. I ty pytayesh'-sya ubit' moyego ottsa, u menya deystvitel'no net vybora\You saved my life because you missed your target. And you're trying to kill my father,I don't really have a choice}" Kassie said.
She ducked as he swiped the blade at her "Почему ты спас меня? Ты мог оставить меня умирать {Pochemu ty spas menya? Ty mog ostavit' menya umirat'\Why did you save me? You could have left me for dead}"Kas asked. Winter soldier knocked her dagger from her hand and swept Kas's feet from under her, he fell perfectly between her legs. "Заказы {Zakazy\Orders}"He said, Kas hooked her leg around his neck and flipped their bodies,she didn't however expect the soldier below her to throw her off him and catch her by the throat. Kas hit the pavement when the soldier's metal hand left her throat to catch the shield Steve had just thrown at him.
Kas gave a noise of pain when a handful of her blonde hair was grabbed from behind. Her back collided with the slick asphalt platform after the Winter Soldier threw her backwards and down onto the ground. "Раньше ты умел тянуть меня за волосы {Ran'she ty umel tyanut' menya za volosy\You used to know how to pull my hair}" Kas said as she crawled backwards Winter Soldier rose both brows,it gave Kas the opportunity to take his legs out from under him. Kas rolled away from him,she rolled back onto her palms and threw her body upwards just as the soldier got to his feet.
"Вы ведь знаете, что это несправедливо? Ты на целый фут выше меня {Vy ved' znayete, chto eto nespravedlivo? Ty na tselyy fut vyshe menya\You know this isn't fair,right? You're like an entire foot taller than me}"Kas said. "Замолчи. Вы много говорите {Zamolchi. Vy mnogo govorite\Shut up. You talk too much}"Winter Soldier sneered as he lunged for Kassie who dodged his attack. "И вы не уделяете достаточно внимания, когда сражаетесь {I vy ne udelyayete dostatochno vnimaniya, kogda srazhayetes\And you don't pay enough attention when you're fighting}"Kas said.

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