Chapter 3 - Snily (Snape x Lily)

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Hi there! Thanks for reading! Please let me know if you enjoy! I don't own any of Harry Potter!

Most Hogwarts students returned home for the holidays, though they were certainly welcome to stay at the castle if they wished.

Lily Evans, a pretty, red-headed, seventh year Gryfinndor had gone home for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, though she had been quick to return and spend time with her beloved Slytherin, Severus Snape.

Severus Snape, unpopular with his pale skin and oily, black hair, had gone to visit his mother briefly on Christmas.

That was the only reason Severus hadn't spent the day at Lily's side.

The only reason.......

The couple were thrilled to be united again and after they had both returned to Hogwarts, while they walked down one of the castle's many deserted, stony corridors, Lily and Severus chatted fondly.

"I'm so happy you're coming home with me for New Year's, Sev!" Lily said with a happy smile as she leaned against Severus's shoulder while they walked along.

"So am I." Severus replied, giving Lily a small smile in return as he glanced over at her, "I just hope your parents don't mind."

Lily laughed and straightened up, "They love you, Sev! We've been friends for.....what? Eight years now? Best friends!"

Severus cleared his throat as "Yes, but they don't know we......They don't know"

Lily smiled over at Severus and blushed, "We'll graduate in a few months, then there's nothing they'll be able to say."

"No, especially not once we're married....." Severus replied slowly in his low voice.

Lily's cheeks turned a darker shade of pink as Severus's coal black eyes smouldered at her.

"You're making me blush, Sev." Lily laughed nervously, tucking a stray piece of red hair behind her ear.

"One of my favorite pastimes." Severus replied, a smirk in his voice.

Lily and Severus walked along in a tension-filled silence until they came to a dark corner.

Severus stopped.

Lily stopped.

Severus and Lily both looked around for a moment and when they saw the coast was clear, they dashed into the corner together.

Lily dropped her books and Severus wrapped his hands around her slender waist, pressing her against the chilled stone while he pressed his lips to hers.

Staying at the castle for the majority of the winter break was convenient for couples.

Fewer students meant fewer teachers on patrol.

And fewer teachers on patrol meant fewer chances to be caught during trysts.....


Though it would detract from the time they spent privately in each other's company, Severus was more than glad to be invited to come home with Lily for New Year's Eve.

Severus was even happier when Lily's mother embraced him as warmly as Lily when they arrived that evening.

Lily's father shook Severus firmly and cordially by the hand.

Petunia was giving Severus a menacing stare during dinner, but between Lily's laughter and her parents' kind conversation, Severus barely noticed.

Silently, though, Severus wondered how Mr. and Mrs. Evans would take the news when they discovered that he and Lily were more than friends......

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