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Alpha and beta stood on stage. The crowd was dead silent.

"Your alpha is dead." Silence. "All hail Alpha Damien!"

Loudly, the group echoed the sentiment. Either they were too scared to refuse, or they were relieved that Maximus was gone.

It didn't matter. All that mattered was that they be loyal. Damien stepped up. "For too long, Redwood has been an embarrassment. Ineffective leadership. Weak fighters. For the first time in your pathetic existence, you will have opportunity. Starting now, your ranking has been expunged. Gammas no longer are the elites. Omegas are no longer at the bottom. Everyone can prove themselves. If you are a fighter, you will fight to see who is the strongest. Teachers will be evaluated. Kitchen staff will have opportunity  according to your skills. Diligence will be rewarded. Laziness will be punished. I expect many omegas will rise to gamma and vice versa. If you are gifted, show me.

"I will have no weaklings in Redwood. You will no longer be pathetic."

Silence continued until a single woman began to cheer loudly from the back. An omega. Slowly, the noise continued until the room was in an uproar. Damien lifted his hand and the room fell silent.

"If any of you wish to contend for a fighter position, meet at the training grounds in fifteen minutes. Dismissed."

The crowd erupted into excited chatter. They began to filter out.

A small group made their way to the front of the stage and bowed. Eric's nose lifted, and his eyes turned a shade lighter.

"Alpha?" one asked. "You asked for the gifted to come forward. These are us, except my daughter who is in the clinic." Eric stiffened. His wolf side was begging for him to find his mate.

"What can you do?"

The man stood and lifted his hands. Blue light shone from his fingertips, illuminating the structure of a building in front of him. He snapped and the image changed to a hierarchy with names. "Structures. From buildings to packs. I can illuminate the pathways that make them up."

Damien leaned back, impressed. "Well, that will be crucially important. Your pack structure...does that show everyone in the pack?"

The man nodded. "This is an old map, but I guess I could," he snapped again and the structure fell apart, with only four names. Everyone other name was scrambled below. One at the top and two below, "make a new one." He blinked and looked at Eric. "Beta... do you know...my daughter? She is... mated to you. On this chart."

Eric smiled. "Not yet, but I look forward to it."

"What is your name?" the alpha interjected.

"Robert, sir."

Damien nodded. "Robert, what was your former role?"

"Omega, sir. I was a custodian."

Damien scoffed. "Your old alpha was more of an idiot than I thought. Update your structure, gamma."

Robert blinked and shook his head as the structure lit up with his name under Eric's.

"We need someone of your talent keeping our pack in line. Your talent has been wasted for far too long. Pack your bags tonight. I want you and your family in the alpha's mansion. I will notify you when you are to move." Robert nodded. "Keep the structure private for now; I'd hate to stir any unnecessary ambition. I would like you to continue structuring the pack as we go along." Damien turned. "You. What is your name?"

After meeting the five gifted wolves, Damien had a basic leadership team. Redwood had so much potential, hidden under layers of childish leadership. 

Being around Robert was driving Eric insane. To know his mate was so close—to smell her—and to not be able to go to her was infuriating.

The three of them made their way to the training grounds where a large crowd had assembled. There were two distinct crowds. Those who had been fighters before and those who were trying it out. This would be interesting.

"Three groups of two at a time. I want to see all of you fight. Three old fighters and three new ones. In the middle now."

A group rushed in and one of them had to be pulled back to make six.

"No shifting. No weapons. Tap outs or unconsciousness. Be wise."

The first group dove into fighting.

Two hours later, Damien and Robert had constructed their warriors. An elite team, a large guard team, and special force.

"Orion, Carmello, and Johnson. Come forward." Two bulky men came forward. One was an omega, the other an old fighter. Then, a young woman slid in. The crowd began to murmur. Johnson had been beaten down more than once.

"Orion, you will lead the elite warriors. Your team will be comprised of twelve fighters. I expect you to train them into perfection. Carmello, your force will be sixty strong. Johnson, you will lead our special force."

"Alpha, do you really believe she is the best choice?" Carmello cut in. "Surely one of the old gammas like Frederick would do much better."

Damien's face stayed flat. "Johnson and Frederick in the ring." Carmello smirked and stepped back. Damien grabbed Johnson's arm and pulled her back. "Johnson, you have your alpha's permission. Play nasty." Her face was skeptical, but she nodded.

The two entered the ring. Damien watched curiously. The whole time, Johnson had been pulling her punches. He knew why. The previous alpha liked women in his fighting force for one reason and it was not a military one.

"Fight!" he called. Immediately, Johnson dashed in and slid into his leg, knocking it out from under him. Frederick was strong, but he lacked an ounce of speed. She kicked down between his legs, hard. He yelped in pain and began to shift. Damien nodded at Eric, who shifted and swooped in, grabbing the wolf by the neck, forcing him into submission. Frederick shifted back and collapsed, holding his crotch.

"Johnson will lead our special forces team of six with room to grow. Robert, inform them of their teams. If anyone was not placed, they will be evaluated for another position. Carmello, if so much as a rogue hair floats past our borders, know that you will be cleaning toilets with nothing more than your bare hands in minutes. Your inability to see talent makes you a weakness. I expect you to overcome that. Now."

With that, Damien exited, and Eric followed close behind.

"Is there anything else we must do?" Eric asked. His voice was strained.

"Go to her," Damien said.

Eric reached out and teleported them into the room where Berry and Naomi were.

Berry immediately jumped up from where she had been sitting. The two locked eyes. Berry went up and cupped his face in her hands, more enamored with the beta in front of her than the fact that they had teleported. "Who are you?" she asked, drinking in his face. Her hair had fallen from its ponytail, curling around her temples. Her finger traced the scars on his face.

"Eric," he said softly. She leaned in and kissed him gently on the chin. Damien could see him melting in her arms and she in his. Suddenly, they disappeared.

Take it slow, beta, Damien warned.

We are outside, not in my bedroom, was his exasperated, short response. Take it as a kindness. I left you to your mate as well.

Damien smiled and walked over to Naomi. It felt as if electricity was coursing through his veins. Her wings had been neatly folded against her back, so only a thin line of gold was visible. They had washed the makeup off her face, so he saw a bruise across her cheek. Her arms were wrapped in gauze, one in a sling. Her leg was in a cast, elevated with pillows.

She was dangerous. And crucial to his plan. But she was a liability. A liability he couldn't avoid and needed to protect. Her eyelids flickered and his heart jumped.

She was his.

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