meant to be forever // c.b.

373 3 2

A/N: this is from my 13 days of Halloween on tumblr. this fic is super dark, as you can see from the trigger warnings. feel free to skip this one if it seems too intense <3

title and (slight) concept inspired by toy soldiers by marianas trench (the song above).

prompt: colby being your boyfriend was the best thing to happen to you. but also... the worse.

POV: Flips back and forth from second person to third, Y/N, she/her pronouns

trigger warning: ANGST, murder, dark humor/camp about death, vengeful!colby, colby is not famous in this story, brief mention of sex/sexual language, cursing, blood mentions, dark ending but slightly positive

word count: 7835


Colby was the best boyfriend you ever had. While of course you guys had your moments where you could have been better communicators or could expressed your emotions healthier, you couldn't imagine living your life without him. He was so caring, thoughtful, and loving. Not many of your exes could say that.

And your friends were so jealous of your relationship, how obsessed Colby was with you.

"What? He's not obsessed with me." You laughed when your friends made that comment.

Your friends were telling the truth, though. That man saw no one else when he was with you. You kind of loved the way he hyper-focused on you and what you needed. It was nice to have someone tend to your every need like that.

But you did the same in return. You did everything you could to make him happy. You knew someone like him doesn't come around that often, and you had had your heart broken many times before.

Before Colby, you dated a lot. You were a hopeless romantic and for a long time you were trying to find the one. So, you had a laundry list of guys that broke your heart. You knew that sometimes you were in the wrong too, but that didn't take away from the ones that did hurt you.

Because of how often your heart was broken, it took you a long time to open up to Colby. He had told you about his exes, the ones that broke his heart and the ones whose hearts he broke, and he knew that taking this next step into the relationship meant being open and honest with each other about your past.

And so, one night after a few drinks, you shared the worst boyfriend you ever had: Henry. You had dated him two years before knowing Colby.

"That's a dumb name." Colby joked.

You snickered back. "Right?"

You shared with Colby the worst parts of dating Henry: he always had a tendency to make you feel bad about whatever you did. No matter what, you were never good enough for him. In the beginning of the relationship, everything seemed fine. He loved you, treated you nicely, and did the very bare minimum of listening to you when you talked. But then suddenly... he wanted more. He tried to control the way you dressed, who you hung out with, what you ate; everything. And when you wouldn't follow what he wanted, he would make you feel bad for not doing it. The amount of times you questioned his love for you was astronomical. He made you feel small and worthless so many times over. But then would do a 180 and love-bomb you.

It took you so long to get out of the relationship, to feel like yourself again. You tried everything in your power to keep your distance from him and his old friends. Henry would still hit you up occasionally, as if nothing had changed.

Colby scoffed. "What an asshole. Fuck that guy."

"He also cheated on me too." You mentioned, taking a long sip of your drink.

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