college!Colby headcannon

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this is what I think he would have been like in college if he never did social media at all and just went straight to college (which is honestly sad to think about)


- I don't think he would be in a fraternity

- he loves his alone time and really only trust a small group of ppl and frats are usually big and a lot of the time you all live in a house together

- and even tho they say the trap house was like a frat, it wasn't lol they all knew and liked each other before moving in

- that being said, he would have lived with Sam FOR SURE

- majored in business (since he kinda said that's what he was planning on doing)

- but I think he would have minored in philosophy

- definitely would have partied

- fake ids 👀

- would have to ask Sam for help with math and science (just like hs!)

- worked at the library (to get away from ppl)

- found a way to get to the roof of his dorm without getting caught

- would go with Sam to ponder about life and whatnot

- exploring would happen occasionally (depending on if there were any abandon places nearby)

- living off of ramen and take-out pizza

- I can see him having maybe one girlfriend during the whole four years

- and then some random hookups

- overall gpa probs like a 3. something (you know, math and science are a bitch my dudes)

- idk what he would do after school bc even I am still trying to figure that out lol

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