Sick Natasha

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Natasha stayed home while her sister and brothers were out and about. But Natasha felt really bad,she threw up in the toilet. Natasha had called Steve and told him to come home quickly. Steve immediately came home. Steve said"I'm here Sweetie". Steve picked her up and saw the mess on her dress. Steve said"oh Sweetheart it's ok. Let's just get you cleaned up". Steve flushed the throw up. Steve ran a bath for Natasha and set her in. Natasha said"Stevie"!!! Steve came back with a towel and this dress

Steve said"I'm gonna wash you ok sweetie"? Natasha let Steve wash her

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Steve said"I'm gonna wash you ok sweetie"? Natasha let Steve wash her. Steve got her out,dried her off and dressed her then let the water out. Steve said"C'mere kiddo". Natasha hugged him. Steve said"How bout you lay down in the rocker and I'll get your Baba,Ok? Do you wanna watch cartoons"? Natasha nodded. Steve put on SpongeBob. Steve made Natasha a Bottle and gave it to her. Natasha reached out to Steve. Steve said"Want me to Cuddle with you"? Natasha nodded. Steve picked her up and sat on the chair. Natasha snuggled up close to Steve. Steve noticed that she was getting Sleepy. Steve said"Go ahead and sleep Tasha-bear,Stevie's right here. I'm going anywhere sweetie". Natasha allowed herself to sleep. Steve smiled and said"Sweet dreams my little princess". When Natasha woke up from her Nap,it was time for Lunch. Steve said"Hi princess,Did you have a good nap"? Natasha nodded. Steve said"It's Lunchtime,Do you want something to eat"? Natasha said"Y-Yeah". Steve said"Ok. What would you like,Sweetie"? Natasha said"N-Nuggets wif' Yogurt drops,Puffs and a Baba". Steve said"Ok Sweetheart,I'll make your Lunch. But let's put you in the Highchair". Natasha said"No"!! Steve said"It's just so I can make your lunch,Baby Girl". Natasha layed her head on the tray. Steve got the nuggets out and put em on the plate. Steve put the plate on the table and buckled the tray on the chair. Steve said"Alright Sweetheart,Let's get you outta there". Steve unbuckled her and set Natasha into the rocker. Steve said"Here's your food baby. I'm gonna make my lunch and call Bubba,Ok"? Natasha pointed to the TV. Steve said"Hold on sweetie,I'm on the phone". Natasha cried. Steve said to Bucky "Hold on Buck,I've gotta deal with Natasha". Steve turned on the TV and put on Loud House. Steve said"I'm back Buck,So what's going on"? After talking with Bucky for 30 minutes,they ended the call. Natasha had finished her lunch and was asleep. Steve put Natasha's plate in the sink and unbuckled the tray. Steve picked her up and carried her into the Nursery,Laying her in the crib. Natasha would not let go. Steve said"Tasha,I gotta get put stuff away so I need you to stay in your crib". Natasha whined and said"No"... Steve said"Pls Baby,I promise you it's not gonna take forever". Natasha wouldn't let go of him. Steve said"Natasha,If you don't let go you're gonna get a spank". Natasha still wouldn't let go. Steve put Natasha in the crib,standing up and gave her 2 firm smacks on her bottom. Natasha cried and flopped down in the crib. Steve gave Natasha her Pacifier. Steve kissed Natasha's head and said"You know I love you but when I tell you to let go of me,You need to let go,ok? Now I'm gonna go clean up and put away stuff so relax and nap". Natasha nodded and laid down. Later... Bucky,Clint and Yelena came back home. Natasha was cuddled up with Steve on the couch,Natasha has on top of him while she slept. Clint said"Aw. Buck,Yelena look at this". Bucky said"Aw,such a Sweet girl". Steve got up with Natasha and laid her on the bed,tucking her in with her kitty. Steve said"When I tried to put her in the crib and she refused I told her to let go but she didn't so I gave her 2 smacks to her bottom and she let go". Yelena said"Ok. I think we should get to bed,It's late". Clint said"Ok. Goodnight Guys". Steve said"Night Lena". Yelena said"Night guys". All of them went to the bed. Yelena cuddled her sick sister,Hoping she'd be better soon. Natasha snuggled close to her sister,not wanting Yelena to leave her.

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