Where it all started

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(A/N: I'm not sure about the exact data and time as to when these events occurred, so I'm creating my own date and time. I'm not sure what to put for the pictures, so have a maid Rimuru)

(A/N: I'll use this appearance, it's the only one I could find that has a decently manly appearance, and the girl is for when there's some yuri action)

(A/N: I'll use this appearance, it's the only one I could find that has a decently manly appearance, and the girl is for when there's some yuri action)

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Rimuru POV:

Man, it's been one hell of a journey if I got to say so myself. A lot of things have happened, but we've managed to solve all those problems. Heck, the world was close to ending as well because of that god damn bastard Yuuki. Speaking of Yuuki, I wonder how is Shizu-san, I mean this world has been nothing but cruel to her, taking her away from one hell just to end up in another hell.

But, she was a strong one, she managed to help those that are in need, and managed to find people that gave her the slightest joy in this awful world. The first two people that she took in were Yuuki Kagurazaka, and Hinata Sakaguchi. 

Shizu-san told me that Yuuki was a good and smart child, but just look at what he did. He planned to destroy the world and rule it as its overlord, that is just anything but good. But Shizu-san cared for him when she was still alive, she probably couldn't help change his mind as his goal was already set in stone. His old live was what probably helped him have those thoughts, and he carried over those horrid thoughts to this new world. Man, I've wished he would've just left those ideas behind, because looking back, it was nothing but trouble for me *sigh*. I was looking through his memories and saw that his childhood was pretty bad, he was a genius but that didn't stop tragedy from happening. That probably contributed to his personality as well. That's some typical cliche villain background, if I do say so myself.

Hinata was the better one out of the first batch of students that Shizu-san took care of. Shizu-san taught her swordsmanship, and just within a month, Hinata already surpassed her. People started calling her a genius, and she was highly praised. But from what I see, Hinata didn't let any of that into her head. All she wanted was to create a happy world and to be loved by the people, just like Shizu-san, but that icy cold glare of hers probably had caused a lot of misunderstanding. I don't know, I wasn't there when it all happened. i just heard it from Shizu-san and a but from Chloe but I've never knew her actual background and what her life is like even in the old world. Probably not good, considering her attitude and how she looks at people when I first met her.

<<Hey CIel?>>

<<Yes, Master?>>

<<Is it possible to go back in time to see Hinata's life back on Earth?>>

<<It's possible master, but we need physical contact with her, so I could directly access her memories.>>

<<Ok, just let me contact her real quick.>>

[Hey Hinata, are you free. I need your help with something] I sent via thought communication.

[Yeah, I'm free right now, so what do you need?] replied Hinata

[I'll be there in a sec] I said as I teleported into her office through the multiple anti-teleportation barriers in place. Her office is pretty spacious. It's a white room with big desk on one side of the room with a lot of paperwork for her to do. 'Yikes, she has it tough too huh?' Behind the desk is a giant glass pane with curtains folded to the side. Bookshelves on both sides of the wall from where the desk is with tons of books, varying from economy and political books to manga with various genres as well.

I saw her putting a pause to her paperwork and said: "To be able to just teleport in here with all these barriers in place, I guess that's to be expected of you." I just laughed awkwardly at her words. "So, what do you need?" she asked while laying back on her chair.

"I just need to hold your hands really quick" I said while extending my hand for a handshake.

"You're not trying to do something to me, are you?" She asked with her cold glare and serious expression.

"No, I'm not. I'm just trying to confirm something. Don't worry, it's not harmful or potentially dangerous to you." I replied back with a serious expression.

*sigh* "Fine, I trust that you won't do anything to me" She said while accepting my handshake.

<<Ciel, if you please>>

<<I've finalized copying her memories, master>>

<<Ok, thanks, my little ciel>> I said

<<A-Anything for you, master>> CIel stuttering, seamingly startled by my choice of words. But hey, it's fun seeing ciel like this. Fufu

"Thanks Hinata"

"Y-Yeah, no problem" she said with hints of red on her face. She tries to look away, trying not to let me see it.

'Fufu, Hinata, I didn't think you think that way'

"Ara, what's this. Have you finally fallen for my charms?"

Veins popped out of her forehead, "Who the hell would fall for your charms!", clearly annoyed by the way Rimuru said that.

"Anyways, I'll see you later. Bye, Hinata"

"Yeah, bye"


<<Hey Ciel, is it done yet?>>

<<Yes Master. But first, I suggest leaving a parallel existence here to take care of the country while you're away.>>

<<Oh yea, I completely forgot. Let me just create it really quick>>

I stretched my hands out to which black mist started forming, and another me appeared. I decided to check if there are any abnormalities, and it's perfect. But still, no matter how many times I've done this, it still feels weird having two perspectives at the same time, but I can live with it.

<There Ciel, it's done>>

<<Ok Master, are you ready?>>


<<Initiating Time Warp>>

Let's go back, back to where it all started


I hope you enjoy, this is my first time writing something like this. Don't worry, there will be longer chapters. I try my best to think of a plot line that's unique and interesting. I was debating between this plot where Rimuru sees Hinata's childhood or Rimuru goes with Chloe through her time warp. I decided on this plot because I can definitely write some entertaining storylines with this, and this being a Rimuru x Hinata story also helped with the decision. Hope, I meet your expectations so far. Any feedback would be much appreciated. Bye, see you next time.

Next up: An Icy Past

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