An Icy Past

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(A/N: I'm going to jail for this picture)

RImuru POV

<<Master, we're here>>

As soon I as heard Ciel's voice, I opened my eyes. I see that I'm in some sort of abandoned alleyway. 'Let's just get out of here first'. As soon as I stepped out, a wave of nostalgia hit me; people hurrying along to get to work, buses and cars full of passengers traveling to their destination, the sound of honking and people chatting can be heard everywhere.

<<Ciel, where are we right now>>

<<We're in Kyoto, Japan, master>>

<<And what year are we in, I really expected us to be in such a modern city>>

<<We're in the year 2005, master. This is start of Hinata's memories>>

<<Oh ok, got it. So CIel, which hospital in she currently in right now?>>

<<She's currently in Kyoto Teishin Hospital, master. It looks like her mother just gave birth to her.>>

<<Ciel, can you upload a mental map or this city to me. Oh, and also, check the language as well since I don't know which dialect they use>>

<<Don't worry master, the language is still the same before you were reincarnated, and I've just sent you a map of the country so you won't have to worry about that.>>

<<Alright, that helps a lot. Thanks CIel>

<<Anything for you master>>

I decided to completely erase my presence, and teleport directly to the hospital room. What I saw there really put a smile on my face. I see a woman laying on a bed embracing a girl which I presume to be Hinata, and a man kneeling at the edge of the bed crying happy tears.

My guess for what's happening right now is that Hinata survived though a birth that she never should have survived. My guess is right, right Ciel? *smug face*

<<*sigh* Yes, you're right master>>

<<Hey, you just sighed at me, didn't you?>>

<<It's just your imagination>>

<<So you did sigh at me>>

Well anyways, this scene really warms your heart. I wonder how she turned into that cold and calculating beauty when she has such loving parents.

But, that took a complete 180 real quick when her father started to get into gambling. He would regularly visit the casino every day to try his luck, and luck didn't shine upon him. Eventually, his debt started racking up day by day, growing bigger and bigger from the various forms of gambling he played, but the most noticeable one that has caused him the most money is horse racing.

I mean he's such an idiot. Who the hell would bet on the same horse multiple times when you know it's not going to win. And when he does bet on another horse, he still loses. I guess his luck is just really bad.

Because of his gambling addiction, he starts to get violent. He would come home from the casino every single day and beat his wife. He's an alcoholic, drug addict, and has a gambling addiction. He would sell his own personal stuff, just to have another on the horse race, and let's just say, that didn't end well for him. Yea, there was no saving him now, he's passed the realm where no human should ever pass, and very far from the salvation that he very much needs.

The wife sees her husband like this, and starts to lose herself as well. She seems so weak and fragile and would say the bare minimum that is required. She has no one else that she could turn to, no one else that she could rely on. She was hurt emotionally and physically, and eventually, gave herself into religion just to seek that slightest bit of support that she very much needs.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2021 ⏰

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