017 ; Saving Girls

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Kazumi slightly sniffles and rubs his cheek, you notice his sadness and sigh quietly. You place a hand on his shoulder reassuringly, and he widens his eyes slightly before giving you a small smile.



The 3 of you wander through the town, you and Kazumi slightly sweating at Tanjiro's actions. Him getting on the ground and sniffing every few minutes, 'Lucky I don't have to do anything embarrassing like that  for my eyesight..' You sweat-drop and scratch your cheek.

As you walk past various stores, many people give you weird looks or just blank stares, making you want to kick Tanjiro from embarrassment, you've never had this many eyes on you. You hear people around you muttering how weird Tanjiro is, or as they call him 'boy'.

You give them all and Icy-cold glare, your evenly split hair swaying in the wind, everyone gasps slightly from fear and scurries away. You adjust your black thigh socks so that they're properly straight and resist the urge to kick Tanjiro right in the ass.

You muffle your chuckle with your hand, happy nobody saw. "I want you to believe me.." Kazumi says "She really did vanish" Tanjiro freezes and looks at him, "We believe you." Tanjiro looks at the man "After all, that's why we're here" You nod as you fidget with you nails.


Late at night, you're all still wandering around and Tanjiro is still smelling everything "You're going to keep going?" Kazumi asks worriedly, not really liking the idea of two young kids being out at night, especially with all the disappearing's.

"Yes" Tanjiro replies shortly "Look how late it's gotten" Kazumi glances around, "I'm flattered you're so concerned for me, but shouldn't you pick up again tomorrow and get some rest?" He asks.

Tanjiro ignores him and drops down again, so you sigh and take initiative, "No can do Kazumi-san.. They're active during the night, there's no time to rest" Kazumi flinches from your usual cold tone, still not used to it.

Tanjiro looks up to you, "I've discovered a new scent in the area.." he says and you nod, closing your eyes and re-opening them, using your amazing vision better. You look around and see faint traces of a demon underground.

"It's gotta be somewhere nearby" Tanjiro states and you nod, Kazumi crouches down "By them.. Don't tell me you're.." he stops "Are you...".


A young lady, seemingly sixteen, is seen walking down the halls of her house and into her Mother's room. "How terrifying, I want you to stay indoors for the time being" The Mother says with worry. 

The young girl nods "Hai, Okaa-san" she says softly. "Now then, goodnight" she bows to her Mother before opening the door and walking out, closing it behind her.

The young girl walks down to her room, an odd murky green puddle appearing behind her without her noticing. She makes it to her room and walks inside, shutting the door behind her.

The puddle sits outside the door for a moment, before disappearing into thin air. Inside the room , the girl is seen taking off her medium-length purple haori and placing it on a traditional clothes rack.

As she walks over to her futon, the same murky puddle slowly appears where she was once standing, staying out of the girl's vision as she lays down in her futon, covering herself with a multi-coloured blanket.

She closes her eyes for a moment and opens them again "I wander what became of the girls who were taken" she asks herself closing her eyes once more "I just hope they're alright" and with that she starts to lull into a soft sleep, unnoticing of the same puddle that surrounds her bed and pillow.

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