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First day of collage is a literal curse for introverts...Jimin thought as he entered inside the college .

People everywhere...ugh!
As he was walking and trying to find his scheduled class for the first period, someone from behind bumped into him making him stumble . His bag fell on the floor. The person who bumped into Jimin was wearing all black . To top off their black aesthetic, they were wearing a black bucket hat which hid their eyes .

It was indeed a guy, anyone could tell by his bulky body. Some girls came running from behind and encircled around him. The guy groaned. The crowd pushed Jimin away from the guy. But his bag was still near the feet of the guy.

"Excuse me, can you move please-" Jimin tried to get his bag but the girls pushed him away, again. He was getting late for his class and it was getting irritating. Jimin lost his temper when his 7th try of getting the bag failed.

"Yah! Move out of the way !" Jimin yelled and the crowd stopped to look at him . He was embarrassed a little but this shitty crowd was getting on his nerves.

Jimin pushed some girls out of the way and went to the guy who now has taken off his hat . He quirked an eyebrow at Jimin before smirking.

"Need my attention that bad ?" He asked as he gave Jimin a lenny face. Oh well...this is fair I guess , god made him good looking but he's got a cringey attitude, Jimin thought as he laughed at the other male's face. The crowd looked at Jimin as if he was some kind of alien . Jimin rolled his eyes at the guy and picked his bag up then dusted it. Jimin gave the guy the most fake smile he has ever given someone before walking away like nothing happened.

The guy stared at Jimin's back like someone just splashed him with water.


When Jimin found his class, he immediately went inside. The lecturer wasn't present yet. Sitting at the corner of the front row of the class, he sighed in relief. He heard people whispering about a boy who humiliated someone named Jungkook in the hallway, and the guy is pretty angry.

Suddenly Jimin remembered the cocky guy from earlier but he ignored it . Then the teacher came in, introduced himself and started teaching.

After 3 more periods it was lunch time. Jimin was walking through the hallway to go to the lunch room. But suddenly there was a broad black wall-like chest infront of his eyes. He bumped into the person. "Ow! The hell !" He looked up rubbing his nose that had collided with the other man's chest. Oh it was the same one from this morning. My luck is cursed, Jimin gave the guy an unamused look and proceeded to walk past him but he again blocked Jimin's way.

"Can I help you with anything?" Jimin said in a sarcastically polite manner. The guy looked at Jimin with a coy smile. "New strategy ? I like the sassiness" he commented.

"Eh ? What strategy?" Jimin was beyond confused. What's wrong with this guy?

"Oh come on just admit it that you're one of those people who wanna date me. This savageness doesn't suit you" he said.

Jimin gave him a curious-disgusted look. "The fuck is wrong with you dude ? Listen, it's my first day so stop tryna fry my brain. And I was born savage so deal with it sweetie" Jimin finished his speech and pushed him out of his way.

"Oh a freshy ? Guess what ? You gotta get used to seeing my handsome face from now on" he yelled from afar as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"Annoying mother fucker, full of himself" Jimin said to himself as he continued his walk towards the cafeteria.

Sassy Jimin-ssi 😎✨

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Sassy Jimin-ssi 😎✨

Bye 👋🏼💜

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