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Both:what is it mikey?

Mikey: I found takemichy

Shinichiro: really? Where is he.

Izana: yeah, where is he?

Mikey: he's in the hide out sleeping in my bed

Izana:can I go there?

Mikey:your my brother how it could be no

Shinichiro: bc sometimes you said no

Mikey: oh

Izana: btw, next week we are going somewhere with Michi,me and shinichiro made this idea

Shinichiro:oh yeah, I almost forgot about that

Takemichi pov:

I woke up with mikey cums and I'm still n@ked, I decided to take a shower when I hear out side the door I'm about to open it but someone appeared on it, it was mitsuya holding some water and food .

Mitsuya:oh you woke up already my flower
He said

Takemichi:uhmm yeah covering my whole body with the blanket

Mitsuya: I'll just put this here ,so are you going to take a shower?

Takemichi:ah y-yes, but is there any clothes that I can use?

Mitsuya: ofc, it in here opened the cabinet full of cloth

Takemichi: thanks mitsuya-kun

Mitsuya:call me if you need something ok?

Takemichi:hai (yes)

After taking a shower and cloth

I walk out of the room to find something to read or like puzzle bc I'm bored if I stay at the room

I saw chifuyu reading some manga then I come forward to him

Takemichi: uhmm chifuyu-kun ah can I r-read some of that too?

Chifuyu:yeah,sure here you can choose some of this

Takemichi:arigato chifuyu

Then I go back to the room running in and I hear chifuyu laugh at me

I start reading the book and it was a good story

2 hours later

I fell asleep and I feel someone open the door and I think his holding something

I open my eyes and it kinda blur when I blink one more time I saw izana and mikey they are staring at me and they come forward to me

I don't know what to do or say anything

Takemichi: what are you guys doing?



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