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I haven't updated this in I think a year, I actually kinda forgot about this andd I've been working on a few of my stories. BUT  I'll try to add some parts if anyone wants to continue reading this :)

BTW Would anyone like to read a book with AWAE imagines? Mostly Gilbert and Billy tho, but I'll do other characters too.

imagine is from: Me actually :D

Warnings: none

Yes, this is based on that scene in the hunger games when Peeta is about to eat nightlock and Katniss yanks his hand making the berries fly. Well that was an explanation :D

"Why do I have to come?" You whined to Bellamy.

"Because everyone else is busy building the wall or doing an actual job." He said looking at you.

"I do have job." You said looking kinda pissed.

"Oh yeah? What is it than, annoying me?" He replied. 

"Excuse you, I help Clarke in medical with dumbasses like you that get hurt, and today it happens to be my day off, meaning I don't have to do anything." You commented with sass.

"Well change off plans, you're coming."

You got ready to go into the woods with Bellamy, Clarke, Finn and Jasper, or so you thought.

 "What are we gonna do in the woods anyway?" You asked Finn.

"We're going to see if we can find grounds with berries on 'em or other plants."

The tent zipped open and you saw the one person you didn't mind to get lost.

"What do you want?" You asked annoyed.

"Woah easy princess, it's nice seeing you too."

"Get to the point Murphy, what do you want?"

Finn snuck out of the back of the tent not wanting to be apart of the conversation.

"Bellamy said you have to hurry your ass up." He said smirking.

"And since when are you Bellamy's bitch?" You asked the boy confused.

"Bitch? What's that supposed to mean?"

"You know, Bitch, someone's dog that takes orders and does anything for them if they just ask, in your case, you're the dog and Bellamy's your owner, bitch and leader."

Murphy rolled his eyes "I'm not anyone's bitch, especially not Bellamy's."

"Mhm, if you say so.." You said teasingly.

"Do I really have to do everything myself?" You heard a familiar voice say outside of the tent or known as Bellamy. He poked his head in the tent and said "Would you two hurry up and come."

 "What do you mean 'You two hurry up and come', He isn't coming right? Right." You replied.

"Sorry sweetie, I am." You rolled your eyes at Murphy's comment and walked out of the tent.

"Can this day get any worse?" You mumbled to yourself.

"I can hear you." Murphy said sneaking up behind you.

"I know."


"Why do we need berries anyway, there's enough food to last at least 2 weeks." You complained.

"So we can plant them in camp and get food without getting murdered by grounders." Finn answered.

"Yeah makes sense."

"Okay, let's split up in pairs so we can cover more ground." Bellamy suggested.

Finn and Clarke ran off while Jasper and Bellamy started walking away too.

"Guess it's you and me doll." Murphy smirked.

"Oh hell no, Bellamy!"

He turned around and held his hands up "You 2 have to get along somehow."

"This day has in fact just gotten worse."

"Hey, I'm stuck with you too." Murphy scoffed.

"Well noticed." You mockingly smiled.

The 2 of you started walking east in silence, not wanting to have conversation. It was awkward but anything is better then having to talk to him. 

"So... How are you?" Murphy asked.

You couldn't tell if he was being serious or not so you stared at him very confused.

"Just trying to make small talk." He put his hands up in defense.

"Well don't."

"Got it."


"Hey, how long are we supposed to look for stupid berries?" You asked.

"Till we find some I guess."

You groaned in frustration "What if all the berries went extinct during the bombs?"

Murphy rolled his eyes "Just shut up and keep looking or else we're gonna be here all night."

After 2 hours of looking you found a large field and decided to split up. Back on the ark you were given a few books to read while in the birdbox and one of them was about nature's death. AKA poisonous berries, plants, animals etc. You were about to put what you thought were blueberries in your mouth till you realized it was Nightlock.

"Holy shit" You gasped when you noticed that the entire field was infested with Nightlock.


"Murphy?" You yelled. "Oh no no no.. Murphy! Where the hell are you?!" 

You started running frantically worried that he was lying dead in the field somewhere.

"John Murphy! Please this is not funny! Where the f*ck are you?!"

"Y/N?" Murphy asked confused as he came out of the wood.

"Thank god you're okay." You said running towards him. "I thought you were dead." You hugged him.

As you realized that you were hugging him you let go and saw the berries in his hand. You smacked them out of his hand.

"Hey what the hell?" He yelled angrily.

"Did you eat any of those?!"

"I was about to when you so rudely threw them on the ground."

"That's Nightlock Murphy! You eat one and you're dead in a minute you dumbass!" You explained.

He looked with horror at the ground but then said, "So you do care about me huh doll." With a smile on his face.

"Oh shut up." You pushed him aside. "We should be going back, I've had enough of this shit."

"Whatever you say doll." He said walking up to you with a smile on his face.


"It's them! Open the gates!"

"What the hell happened? We were about to go looking for you!" Bellamy yelled coming towards you. "We thought you were dead!"

"Well I almost was." Murphy said. "Isn't that right doll?" He looked so amused with himself that you did care for him.

"Well, are you going to explain?" Bellamy asked confused.

"It's a long story." You said. "Just mainly Murphy being dumb."

"Hey I heard that!" Murphy commented.

"I know." You said with a smile.

John Murphy ♡ one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now