Chapter 6

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What just happened?

I run inside Tay's room, closing the door, leaning my back against it and slowly slid down to the floor. Now hugging my knees to my chest, I can feel tears running down my cheeks.

I can still feel his lips on mine, but it wasn't the reason that I push him away and run. It is because of the emotions I felt when he kissed me, as if he poured everything on that kiss that I can still fill it on the tips of my finger and the ends of my hair.

It was so overwhelming that my chest started to hurt, so foreign that got me scared, not of Tay but of the amount of emotions coming off him.

Is this how he feels about me? I don't think I can reciprocate even half of it.

Looking up, I silently ask the Moon Goddess.

Why did you pair me with him? He deserves so much more. Not me. Yes, a Prince but one cursed Prince.

"Prince New." Gun's voice on the other side of the door got me out of my reverie, but I didn't answer him. What would I say? Is Tay with him? That just made my chest hurt again that make me want to cry even more.

"It's just me." Still I didn't answer, after a few moments I hear a new set of feet nearing the door that I went rigid. "It's Win." Gun reassuringly says.

Taking a deep breath, I wipe away the tears in my face before standing up and opening the door letting my two friends inside.

Closing the door after they entered, I turned to look at them still just standing in the middle of the room. They are just looking at me silently, as if waiting for me to speak first.

"Is he..." I close my eyes and swallowed trying to clear my throat that suddenly feels constricted. "Is he upset?"

"Yes." Win straightforwardly answers and that just makes me want to cry again, I never even felt this dread when I turned down my position as the crown prince. "Yes, he is upset."

"Win you don't need to repeat it, Prince New is already feeling bad about it." Gun tries to chastise Win, but he just rolled his eyes at Gun before speaking again.

"Tsk, let me finish first." He playfully sneered at Gun, before looking back at me. "Alpha Tay is angry with himself not with you, Prince New."

That got my attention, I frowned at Win, why will Tay be angry with himself? I was the one who pushed him away, hurting not only his feeling but most probably his wolf too.

And as if Win can read my mind, he continues to explain what happened after I run out of the field.

"I think he was angry for losing control. Giving in to his instinct of claiming his mate." We all fell silent after that, the two of them just looking at me. While me? I don't know what to say about that.

"Gun." I called his attention.

"Hmm?" I walk towards the bed and sit on top of it before turning back my attention to him.

"Does it really feel like that?"

"What exactly did you feel, Prince New?" He asks me back in a low voice.

"So much emotion, too much love pouring out of him. It was suffocating." Hands on my side, clench, while I try to explain what I felt a while ago.

"Ohh. Prince New." The way Gun exclaims, you can clearly hear the sympathy but also at the same time understanding. He takes steps to go near me, hands stretch out a sign that he is about to give me a hug.

But before he can even touch me, I instinctively pulled away, feeling repulse by the idea of him touching me.

Both at the same time, our eyes went wide.

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