hello there

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by now shes able to wac and tell me how many degrees or what angles i need to make a move the best so when ever im in a fight

(wich is alot i might add) what i need to do. it really helps well that and the fact that im like part vamp ,were, witch, fea, and a lot of other things but oh well wha can i do?

i was walking to school just like any other day when my best friend endily (and yes that really is her name) pulled up beside me and

 siad "get in cheeka" so i did and she siad"why didnt you call me? iv been worried.!! you really have to make sure you call me and get me to pick you up!"

she finished ranting and then smiled one of her really creepy smiles that only she can do and said "well you are comming to a party tonight so be ready at 6:00 k?k"

 well you might think shes a bad inflouence on me but shes not.

end of recap

its actully the other way aeound she used to be quiet but then i ended up getting her pissed off and wellyou know the rest but now she is always dragging me to partties exept i was going to

have to miss this one because my mom is making me go to a familly reuniun."sorry endily but i have to go to a family reuinun mom is making me."aw"she said "but why she knows you hate

those things""yeah well appearently i have to go or moms not getting me a car for graduation and i need a car you know that i cant be relying on my mom and you to get me to and from

school" "yeah yeah i know"she huffed "but i still dont get it were going to the same college why i dont just drive you to and fro" "i have to stop relying on you like a freelouder ill feel better when

i have my own car." "ok ok" she said dropping it thank fully and that is when we got to my house "bye" i called to her as i ran up the steps i didnt hear her reply."hi mom i yelled when i got in....

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2011 ⏰

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