where are you..

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"Kaoro! Joe!", I shouted as I ran towards them. Two surprised faces turned towards me. "Hunter, whatsup?", Joe asked. I tried reppying as fast as possible but couldn't because I was out of breath. "Miya! I can't.. find him..", I said between breaths while resting my hands on my knees. Kaoro lifted an eyebrow. "Hunter slow down. What happened to Miya?" I raised my head and started trying to explain what happened.

"Okey so.. we kind of had a fight.. but it wasn't really that! It was more of a miscommunication and then he ran away crying and I can't find him.. I've been looking for 30 minutes but he is no where to be found and I'm worried and I want to apologize and I.."

"Hunter, take it easy. Miya's fine", Kaoro interupted. I looked up in surprise. "Wait, how do you know?"

"Cause he practically ran towards us and almost jumped in my arms crying. We let him calm down for 20 minutes. We still don't know what's wrong with him. But I guess you just explained it", Kaoro explained. "Well.. then where is he now?", I asked hoping he knew the answer. "He went to the bathroom over there  5 to 10 minutes ago. He kinda just.. upped and left without saying much".

I nodded while giving him a quick thank you before trying to run towards the small bathroom building. "Hunter wait, what even happened between you two?", Joe asked. I turned around to face both of them again. "I think I made a mistake", I said before now actually running off to where Miya was.

It didn't take me long to get there.

I instantly ran inside not being bothered by the fact that there could be other people inside. I almost ram the door open and instantly started looking in the stalls. A soft sniffing sound could be heard from the last stall. I knew that was Miya..

I ran towards it and oponend it as well.

My eyes widened and my heart started beating even faster. After half a second of realization, I instantly reacted.

"Miya don't!", I said as I hit a sharp object out of his hands.

The already broken piece of glass now shattered into smaller pieces as it hit the ground.

I looked back at Miya and immediately noticed he was shaking like a maniac. Tears coverering his cheeks.

I fell to my knees and layed my head on his knee as I took his hands with mine. "I'm so sorry Miya. I'm so very sorry"

Miya tried to speak up with a broken voice.

"I thought you were gonna leave me too and I didn't know what to do and the thought hurt so much and I needed to get rid of it but I didn't know how. so I found this piece of glass but I just couldn't do it Hunter. I'm so sorry I.."

Miya wanted to continue but I interupted him.

"Please whatever you are thinking of, this is not the way. It's a road that you'll go down but without any side turns. Once you've crossed that border, there is no coming back", I stopped for a few seconds before continuing. I looked Miya right in his eyes. "Miya, I will never leave you. There is nothing that can happen anymore that will stop us from knowing eachother. I will stay by your side for as long as you're staying by mine".

A small smile appeared on his face as he wiped away some tears with his left hand. "I'm sorry Hunter.. I don't know what I was thinking..", Miya said. "It's all okey Miya, really it is. I'm just glad I got here in time.. You are such a beautifull person and it would have been a shame if you'd ever have done something like that..".

Whilst finishing the sentence, I looked to the side of my upper right legg. I know it was still covered by my swimming trunks, but still..

"Believe me.. you are worth more than that. To me, you are worth more than that"

I stood up and held out my hand for Miya to take it.

"And for the record, I did want yesterday to have happened. I should have told you from the beginning, but.. I like you.. and I like you so much that I didn't want to mess up our friendship with a moment like that.. I made it up that I didn't want it to happen so I wouldn't look stupid in your eyes.."

Miya was still looking at the hand I stuck out. Without looking at me, he slowly took it with his left.

He suddenly stood up and embraced me with his arms. "Thank you for being there for me Hunter".

A smile formed on my face as I put my arms around him as well. My heart was beating as fast as it possibly could, my thoughts were going crazy. I just confessed to the person that I like and now we are hugging.

Miya let go and took my hand to lead us out of the stall. Just as we stepped out of the stall, Miya let go again and turned himself around towards me.

He suddenly came close. For a moment I thought he was gonna kiss me, but instead he moved further down to my ear to whisper something.

"For the record, I like you too", Miya said softly. I could feel his breath against my ear as if he was trying to tease me. It gave me goosebumps all over.

With that, Miya suddenly kissed me on the cheek and without warning, he ran out of the door leaving me behind.

With every happy emotion someone could possibly feel, I was standing there all by myself trying to get a grip on what just happened. Happiness, joy, confusion, maybe even a bit scared? I placed a hand on my chest to feel my own heartbeat.

"What is this boy doing to me.."

sk8 The Infinity: More Than A Passion (Miya Chinen x Male Reader OC)Where stories live. Discover now