The plan

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Hello author here! Sorry for the late upload, my computer was having some problems and I wasn't sure when they were going to be fixed, but my computer actually started working this morning when I opened it! So I will be updating now hope you enjoy the chapter!

Ren woke up, sitting up in a daze he looked around confused at the familiar and unfamiliar room he was in. Then suddenly the memory of what happened last night came back to him, tears spilled down his face as he thought back to what happened.

Aziel walked in with a tray of food, when he saw Ren crying he panicked

"What's wrong" Aziel asked going over to Ren and holding Ren in his arms

Ren would have usually pulled away or resisted but right now all he could think about was his mother and the events of last night. Ren couldn't say anything and just kept crying in Aziel's arms. Aziel patted Ren's back and shoulder's comfortingly. After a while Ren finally calmed down enough and Aziel asked again about what happened last night.

Ren explained everything as he wiped his tears away

"I wish I could do something anything but I just stood there frozen" Ren said after explaining what happened, Ren was looking down his face filled with frustration

"It wasn't your fault Ren you were in shock and what could have you done in that situation, confront him? You would have most likely died, the best thing you could of done was run" Aziel said trying his best to comforting Ren

"I-I guess your right there was nothing I really could've done" Ren said showing a sad smile

"Well for now you should eat first, I'm sure your starving, I need to think about everything that you told me carefully" Aziel said after Ren finished explaining

"What about the folder, the documents, where is it?" Ren says grabbing Aziel's hand when he's about to walk away

"I have it don't worry now eat something" Aziel said softly

"Ok" Ren says wiping the last of his tears away

Aziel went out of the room and slumped onto the floor, when Ren was talking he instantly recognized his mother and father's name and if what Ren said was the truth then was he mistaken about what happened that day. Aziel shut his eye's trying his hardest to remember clearly the events of that day. He had never tried this before since he believed these memories were too painful to remember and he was too young at the time to remember everything clearly.

He remembered his mother said something to him before her death but he was too caught up in the fact that she was dying too focus. Aziel remembered after his mother's death only thinking it could be his step-brother since no one else knew where he and his mother lived. Thinking back it was stupid, that there is multiply ways to find someone but back then he was too blined by the rage and sadness to care he wanted a reason no needed one for his mother's death so he blamed it on his step-brother and father. Aziel pushed all that out of his mind focused on trying to remember the words his mother said to him until he finally did she said a name

"Luke Wilson" Aziel said out loud

Aziel realized that this was the name of his mother's murder even though he wasn't the one to do the killing, and this was also Ren's father, no he didn't deserve to be Ren's father, he was nothing but a bastard who killed both him and Ren's mothers.

Coming to this conclusion Aziel let out a breath of relief and sadness, he finally knew the truth but the deeds he's done have already been done and nothing can change that. He was tired of all this and wanted it to end. He knew that the only way to end this was to end the person who started it and he had everything he needed in his hand.

Aziel walked back into the room, Ren had already finished eating and was trying to get up.

"the doctor said you shouldn't move around your leg is still injured" Aziel said going to assist Ren

"I just want to get changed" Ren says embarrassed at his uselessness

"How about me getting you something to wear and while you can change I'm waiting outside" Aziel suggested

"Ok" Ren says as Aziel carried him back to bed

Aziel went and got a black shirt and brown pants. Handing them to Ren he went outside the room

"I'm finished" Ren called out

With Ren's call Aziel came back in, Aziel sat on a chair and pulled it near Ren's bed

"Ren you want revenge for your mother don't you?" Aziel asked holding Ren's hand

"Of course I do" Ren said a determined look in his eyes

"Then let's do it we have all the evidence" Aziel said

"But what about you, aren't you some kind of criminal?" Ren asked worried

"Mafia, plus I have friends in the police force and help them out to catch criminals sometimes, of course no one knows this but no one has evidence that I have done anything either so I'll be find no need to worry" Aziel said showing a smile

"I wasn't worried, what's the plan anyways?" Ren asked trying to hide his blush

"I have sent in the evidence and there going to investigate the events of what happened and then once they have enough they'll arrest him, then we'll go to court present all the evidence we have and put him to jail for real" Aziel said

"Isn't the document enough though?" Ren asked confused

"Yes and No though it does prove it, he could easily say they were faked or buy his way out of it so that's why we need more evidence" Aziel explained

"Ok, have you found Frey yet?" Ren says

"No I haven't I'm sorry, but I'll leave you to rest now, come find me if you need anything" Aziel said his smile disappearing at the mention of Freya

"Alright" Ren said

'Nova you know you shouldn't play with the male lead like that' Zith said after Aziel left

'What do you mean?'

'Nevermind anyways I have determined that it is indeed another system that blocked my activities and have been working on trying to influence it's coding, since it's weaker than me it's been pretty easy and nothing's gone wrong yet but I'm being really careful'

'Good, thank you Zith please continue working on that. Have Lana thought of any new plans?'

'Yes it seemed that the love rival found out what happened and is now trying to get in connect with the female lead's father to work with him to pin the blame of the murder on you. She doesn't seem to know that you are with the male lead right now and that the male lead's mother was the one who got murdered'

'Alright thank you Zith'

'no problem Nova'

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! I made it a little longer because of my lateness. Thanks for reading my story and have a good day!

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