The heart of Etheria

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Glimmer had been bossed around by Adora and Bow after Angela's sad but real demise, they were all trying to save the world but Adora and Bow were less of friends or teammates and became more of overprotective parents toward Glimmer, Glimmer was pretty fed up with it. She had heard of the heart of Etheria on multiple occasions. It was said to be a weapon held at the heart of Etheria and it could possibly save the world and destroy the horde for good essentially bringing peace and balance to the universe. She wanted to use it to save the world and destroy the horde but first she needed more information. She decided to go to light hope, She-Ra's personal trainer. She asked about it and it turned out that the world had to be in balance to be able to access the heart of Etheria. That meaning all princesses had to have a fully forged connection to their runestone. Their was only one princesses who was missing, Scorpia.

Scorpia had never even been able to touch her runestone. After trying and trying she connected. Now for Adora to transform into She-Ra and set it off. Adora was forced to set it off but instead she used her will power and broke the sword. She was too late, nobody was ready for what was about to come next.  

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