De Javu

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-Angel's POV-
I woke up with a blanket wrapped around me. I was still naked. I sat up and saw Peter reading a book on his hammock.
"Morning baby." He said smiling.
"Morning!" I got up holding the blanket on and walked over to him. "What's your book about?" I asked him. He smiled.
"It's about a boy and a girl. The boy loved the girl so much and tried to show it but didn't tell her. When he finally did... they rushed into things and loved it. The next day the boy proposed to her. Then the girl got pregnant and had a beautiful baby."
"Peter... is this story about us?" He smiled and got off the hammock. I stayed there and watched him move around. He dug into the chest and pulled out something. He sauntered back over to me.
"Angel. I want to be there for you for everything. What happened last night is going to end up with you getting pregnant and having w baby. And I will be the father. I am the father. I hope." He smiled and I laughed, I shed a tear of joy. "Angel Dawner, will you marry me?" He pulled the ring from behind his back and bent down on one knee.
"Yes Peter!!!" I got up letting my blanket fall to the floor. Not caring. I hugged him. I felt something poking me.
"I want to have de javu with you. Only better." He growled and I shivered.
"Okay!" He pulled off all his clothes. He picked me up and I wrapped my long legs around his torso. He laid me down on the blanket, setting himself on top of me. He licked my stomach and kissed every inch of my body. I laughed a little and moaned a lot.
"I love you so much..." He whispered.
"I love you too." I replied. With those simple words Peter entered me.We moaned. He took it slow but got faster right away.
"You're all mine baby." He said between moans.
"All your's." I said. After a few more thrusts, he came in me and fell on top of me.

A/N Hey guys!! This is dedicated to my best friend neverlandsking .
She's amazing. Read her story Perfect Sins! It's awesome!! I'm sorry if you guys don't like the sexual stuff. There will probably be a bit more but you can skip over it. Love you guys!!


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