Chapter 12 | ... But I Don't Hate Him... (JohnTen Chapter)

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Since it was coming close to December- actually December was like 2 months away... And Johnny is a early decorater and present buyer so, Johnny was out shopping for presents.

He was supposed to come here with Jaehyun, But as always, he picked his boyfriend over his bestfriend... So he was out shopping all alone.

"What would Yuta want....?" He asked himself as he walked around the mall.

Suddenly a Tune filled Johnny's ear.
"You, you are my nanaaa..." Johnny sang along to the lyrics.

"Wait... Isn't that 'You' by Mark?" Johnny asked himself as he stopped Infront of a music store.

"Wait... Mark! Yuta will LOVE It" Johnny thought as a smirk on his face.

"Oh no, something is pulling me!!!" Johnny said dramatically dragging himself into the store as if something was actually pulling him in.

He stumbled into the store and walked towards the Kpop aisle.

"Hmm... Where are Mark's albums..?" he mumbled to himself as he walked through the aisle.

Suddenly a purple album caught his eye, "there it is!" He thought as he reached out to take it.

"Huh?" He tried to pull it out of the shelf, but someone was pulling on it from behind.

Suddenly the dude from the other side let it go and him and Johnny crouched down to see each other through the now empty space in the shelf.

"Ten?!" Johnny exclaimed, shocked.

"Johnny?!" Ten screamed right after.

"What are you doing here?" Johnny asked resting his chin on the edge of the shelf, getting closer to Ten's face.

"Early Christmas shopping" Ten replied simply.

Johnny chuckled, "same"

Ten nodded as he got away from the shelf and stood up.

The moment Ten got up, he accidentally tripped over one of the twenty bags he was carrying. "shit" he muttered under his breath

The American laughed as he ran to the other side of the aisle.

"Let me help you" he said as he helped put the things into the bags.

"So many bags- I can help you carry these" Johnny offered with a big smile on his face.

"No.. it's okay. I can do it myself..!" Ten declined as he tried to pick all of the bags up. At the end, he somehow managed to pick all the bags up, but accidentally tripped on one of the bags and fell onto Johnny.

Johnny laughed as he held onto Ten's arms, "maybe I should help you"

Ten got up and sighed before handing half of the bags to Johnny.

Both of them walked out of the store and started walking around the mall.

"Do you have anything else to buy?" Ten asked.

"Not me, but I have to pick up a pair of custom rings that that Yuta ordered to be made like 8 months ago.... I doubt he'll need it tho..." Johnny replied with a sigh at the end.

There was a pause until Ten spoke "still you have to do it. If it it custom rings, then that means that Yuta must have spent alot of money on it"

"then.." Johnny stopped Infront of Ten as Ten stopped as well.

"Monsieur, voudriez-vous faire les honneurs de m'accompagner à la bijouterie ?" Johnny asked as Ten raised an eyebrow at him.

Johnny chuckled as he remembered. "Oh- Well, let me try this" Johnny said laughing.

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