~ Give me your Silent Cry ~

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AN: This is the Part 2 of Red Lights, and dedicated to all the people who asked for it in the last book. [06oanauiaaaeeuaiJaizy201317kirishimatouka24AkkiraMunsami1leighachu]This however, is the last one (NO PART 3, Although spoiler alert: I don't think it's needed) With that being said, Enjoy reading!

Warning: May contain graphic descriptions of violence. Major Character Death. Please do not read if uncomfortable.


"Y-You... You're real!" Felix gasped, and the incubus's grin widened. Felix looked down and it was then that he noticed a white liquid run down his thighs.

"All of it was real, angel..." The demon whispered, and Felix glanced at the mirror, his eyes widening in shock. There were chain marks on his wrists, and a red burn across his neck. There was a very noticeable scar on his arm, right where he had been stabbed. Not to mention, the million hickeys covering his entire body.

The demon's eyes glowed, and he looked at the demon in confusion. Incubuses only came to haunt those who were sleeping, they only appeared in dreams.

"W-Why are y-you here..." Felix asked, and the demon chuckled, the same malicious, evil chuckle that Felix had heard so many times.

"I should thank you for that, my little angel. You gave me your verbal consent, and submitted yourself to being mine. You sold yourself to me, and now, you're my slave, my prisoner. Mine only." Hyunjin explained, and the demon lifted his finger to trace the reddening mark on Felix's neck, two fang marks.

"And this seals our deal. Mine, forever." Hyunjin continued, his finger going to the boy's neck, applying pressure to his throat. The room turned black again, and to Felix all he could see were the red eyes of the demon, piercing into his own eyes.

"You know I can't leave you alone..."


In reality, your eyes are dry, ayy


That would explain why a weak and frail blonde male, his hair grown out longer than that last time for the demon to pull and abuse to his wish, like his body tainted with the incubus's marks and cum, scratches and purple bruises adorning the now pale skin of his neck, chest and thighs— was now being roughly shoved into the hard stone of the wall, his wrists cuffed behind him and a gag in his mouth, his prostrate abused by the black-haired beauty of a demon infront of him, pounding into him mercilessly. 

Felix collapsed on the floor, wincing in pain when the stone wall scraped his back, more red scratches blooming across his back to join the cluster of pulsating bleeding abrasions. 

"I'll be back soon, little angel." The sultry voice of the demon called out, smirking maliciously at the smaller male who cried in pain and relief, knowing it was finally over. 

For now anyway. 

Felix felt his head throb, his vision blurring slightly as he blinked to see the familiar baby blue walls of his room that were in dire need of a repaint, the curtains of his window blowing inside, explaining the breeze that fluttered around his open wounds and sweating body. 

Anyone else would have dismissed it for a nightmare, but the blonde knew better. This was how it always ended anyway, him getting fucked in a red-lit stone bounded room, and then abandoned to take care of himself in his room once the demon had got what he wanted. 

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