Chapter one

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        My heart was racing and I felt alive. Alive for the first time in my life. I felt like I could do anything, but in the end, it all circles back to the chase. I was getting so close that I was sure it could grab it if I reached out far enough, but when I launched myself forward, it seemed to slip right through my fingers as I fell into the abyss below.

I woke up in a cold sweat with a pounding headache. I winced and sat up trying to remember the dream I had been having. There was a tall oak tree that seemed to reach the stars as birds rested upon its branches. They chirped happily as the gentle breeze smoothed their feathers, and tickled their beaks. It had seemed like a pleasant dream, not one to wake up from with a sense of dread. But here I was feeling depressed and alone as I sat curled up in my blankets. I looked over at the clock and it read 7:32 am. Shit, I was late for work. I scolded myself as I threw off my covers and started to do my makeup. I called my best friend Becca to ask her to cover for me as I threw on a nice blouse and grabbed my shoes.
"AGAIN," she questioned me. "This is the third time this week Casey. You really need to get it together." I rolled my eyes "You think I don't already know that? This is my third strike, and I'm going to get fired if you don't help me." Finally she agreed to help, and after she had stopped lecturing me about responsibility, I hung up and rushed to work.

As soon as I arrived, I saw my boss standing in front of a computer, her eyebrows furrowed. I tried to sneak past in hopes that she wouldn't notice me, but no dice. She had eyes everywhere.
"Casey." She spoke as I froze. Shit. She was going to fire me. "I need your help." I was surprised. She never asked anyone for help. Ever. Knowing this must have been important, I stood up straight as she turned around to face me. "Last night two teenage girls were killed." Damn. Straight to the point. "One was stabbed in both eyes, and the other had her throat slit and was stabbed once in the gut." She paused again and I waited. She sighed. "They were both pushed onto the train tracks and run over." My eyes widened as the image washed over my mind. I winced.
"Any evidence as to who did it?" I asked in a hopeful tone. She shook her head. "The security footage didn't capture it? At all?" She sighed and gestured for me to sit in front of the computer. She pressed play on a video and all of a sudden the train station footage popped up on the screen. It showed two girls around the ages of 15 or 16 waiting for a train and talking. After about 5 and a half minutes another person in a bright orange hoodie came up to them and started talking. The girls seemed to be uncomfortable, and the next thing I knew, the other person pushed the girls on the ground, pulled out a knife, stabbed one girl in the gut and slit her throat. The killer then turned to the other girl who stared at them wide eyed and terrified. Then, the killer spoke. "It's rude to stare you know" she tried to get away and scream, but she was too slow. The killer grabbed her and stabbed her in the eyes. I felt a shiver run down my spine. Then the killer proceeded to throw both of them on the tracks just as a train went by. Blood splattered everywhere and the murderer walked away.

The tape ended. I stared at the now black screen and tried not to throw up. I gagged. As soon as I recovered I looked up to face my boss. I was about to ask to see if they voice recognition had any matches, but It was like she read mind because then she said
"Vocal recognition has nothing so far." She sighed "Or facial recognition. Whoever did it left no evidence behind. Not even a shoe print." She looked annoyed. No case she had ever worked on stumped her like this. She then looked me dead in the eyes and I immediately knew what she wanted from me. The reason she wanted me to help her with this case. The reason I was hired as a detective in the first place. I nodded my head as the memories came back.

My mother was a victim of a murderer. But not just any murderer. The Deadcrow
Murderer.  He was called the Deadcrow Murderer because of how he would leave a dead crow next to each of his victims (I know. Not very creative), and each crow was killed exactly how the victim was. There wasn't a house or town that hadn't heard the story. How a little 7 year-old girl had managed to find the person who had killed her mother, tie him up, and kill him. The little 7 year-old girl who had to watch her mother get murdered in front of her tiny little innocent eyes. Little did he know that her mother would be his fifth and last murder. But now that little girl was all grown up, and those little innocent eyes now held nothing but determination. Determination to make sure every other little girl and boy would have the satisfaction of their parents' killers behind bars. The only difference between what had happened then with me and what happened now is that I knew the police would never catch the murderer. So I had to take matters into my own hands. But now I'm a detective. That's the difference. I succeed where everyone else fails.

She handed me the tape of the train station security footage and I immediately set to work. I sat down at my desk and started by watching it frame by frame. There must be something I can use here. By instinct I zoomed in on their hands and there was my first piece of evidence. I smiled to myself as I remembered what my dad used to say.
"When in doubt of a person's intentions, look at their hands. Look at how they move. Are they right handed? Left handed? Do they use their hands too much when they speak? That is for you to decide. But always remember to trust your gut." The the murder was right handed (same with 90% of the population. Super helpful). I sat back in my chair defeated. I considered telling my boss what I had figured out, but realizing someone is right handed isn't much of a breakthrough. I started the tape over again. Again. Again. Again. It was midnight. I had fallen asleep. Shit. The doors will be locked by now. How will my kids get into our apartment? I grabbed my phone and saw that my kids had texted me. I opened my phone to look at it and apparently my neighbors had left them in their apartment. I turned off my phone again, relieved. Then, out of pure exhaustion, I zoomed in closer on the tape and realized something. I let out a small gasp. She was a woman. I sat up straight again, my face inches from the screen. Her fingers were long and slender with beautiful matte purple nail polish. Her nails looked like she had just come back from a salon, and she was married. Her shiny ring sitting on her finger. Immediately I stood up and went to find my boss. It didn't take very long because she was right where I left her. Still staring at the footage just like me. I tapped her on the shoulder, but she didn't move. I tapped again. Still no reply. Had she fallen asleep? I pulled her chair out and spun it around. Her eyes were wide and I gasped.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2021 ⏰

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