Chapter tree

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 I  was heading  across the quad, toward the commons, when I detected the scent  of  clove  cigarettes.  I  sighed.  "Adrian,  you  are  the  last  person  I  want to see right now."  Adrian  Ivashkov hurried up beside me,  blowing a cloud of smoke into the air that of course drifted right  toward me. I waved it off and made a great show of exaggerated  coughing.  Adrian  was a  royal  Moroi  we'd  "acquired"  on  our  recent ski trip. He was a few years older than me and had come  back to St. Vladimir's to work on learning spirit with Lissa. So  far,  he  was the  only  other  spirit  user  we  knew  of.  He  was arrogant  and  spoiled  and  spent  a  lot  of  his time  indulging  in  cigarettes, alcohol, and women. He also had a crush on me—or  at least wanted to get me into bed.   

"Apparently," he said. "I've hardly seen you at all since we  got back. If I didn't know better, I'd say you were avoiding me."   

"I am avoiding you."   

He  exhaled  loudly  and  raked  a  hand  through  the  sable  brown  hair  he  always kept  stylishly  messy.  "Look,  Rose.  You  don't have to keep up with the hard-to-get thing. You've already  got me."   

Adrian  knew  perfectly  well  I  wasn't  playing  hard-to-get,  but he always took a particular delight in teasing me. "I'm really  not in the mood for your so-called charm today."   

"What  happened,  then?  You're  stomping  through  every  puddle you can find and look like you're going to punch the first  person you see."

  "Why  are  you  hanging  around,  then?  Aren't  you  worried  about getting hit?"   

"Aw, you'd never hurt me. My face is too pretty."   

"Not pretty enough to make up for the gross, carcinogenic  smoke blowing in my face. How can you do that? Smoking's not  allowed  on  campus.  Abby  Badica  got  two  weeks' detention  when she got caught."   

"I'm  above  the  rules,  Rose.  I'm  neither  student  nor  staff,  merely a free spirit wandering your fair school as I will."   

"Maybe you should go do some wandering now."   

"You want to get rid of me, you tell me what's going on."   

There  was no  avoiding  it.  Besides,  he'd  know  soon  enough. Everyone would know. "I got assigned to Christian for  my field experience."   

There  was  a  pause,  and  then  Adrian  burst  out  laughing.  "Wow.  Now  I  understand.  In  light  of  that,  you  actually  seem  remarkably calm."   

"I was supposed to have Lissa," I growled. "I can't believe  they did this to me."   

"Why  did  they do it?  Is there some chance you might not  be with her when you graduate?"   

"No.  They  just  all  seem  to  think  this  is going  to  help  me  train  better  now.  I  will  still  be  her  real  guardians  later."  

Adrian gave me a sidelong glance. "Oh, I'm sure that'll be  quite the hardship for you."   

He was hitting on Dimitri. He was supposed to be my partner, Lissa's other guardian. But he chose Tasha. He thaught it was better for me. For us.

It had to be one of the weirdest things in the universe that  Lissa  had  never  come  close  to  suspecting  my  feelings for  Dimitri but that Adrian had figured it out.   

"Like I said, your commentary isn't appreciated today."   

He apparently didn't agree. I had a suspicious feeling he'd  been  drinking  already,  and  it  was barely  even  lunchtime.  "What's the  problem?  Christian'll  be  with  Lissa  all  the  time  anyway."   

If Dimitri chose Tasha (Vampire Academy Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now