Chapter four

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At  first,  things weren't  too  different  from  any  other  day.  Dhampirs and Moroi attended separate classes in the first half of  the school day, then joined up after lunch. Christian had most of  the same afternoon classes I'd had last semester, so it was almost  like following my own schedule again. The difference was that I  was no longer a student in these classes. I didn't sit at a desk or  have to do any of the work. I was also a lot more uncomfortable  since  I  had  to  stand  at  the  back  of  the  room  the  entire  time,  along with other novices who were guarding Moroi. Outside the  school,  this was what  it  was usually  like.  Moroi  came  first.  Guardians were shadows.   

There  was a  strong  temptation  to  talk  to  our  fellow  novices, particularly during times when the Moroi were working  on  their  own  and  talking  amongst  themselves.  None  of  us  cracked, though. The pressure and adrenaline of the first day had  us all on good behavior.   

After  biology,  Eddie  and  I  started  using  a  bodyguard  technique  called  pair  guarding.  I  was near  guard  and  walked  with Lissa and Christian for immediate defense. Eddie, being far  guard, walked farther away and scanned the larger area for any  potential threats.   

We  followed  this pattern  for  the  rest  of  the  day,  up  until  the last class came around. Lissa gave Christian a quick kiss on  the cheek, and I realized they were parting.

"You  guys don't  have  the  same  schedule  this time?"  I  asked with dismay, stepping over to  the side of the hall to stay  out  of  student  traffic.  Eddie  had  already  deduced  that  we  were  parting  and  had  stopped  far  guard  duties to  come  talk  to  us.  I  hadn't  known  how  Lissa  and  Christian's schedules lined  up  for  this new semester.   

Lissa  took  in  my  disappointed  look  and  gave  me  a  sympathetic  smile.  "Sorry.  We're  going  to  study  together  after  school, but right now, I've got to go to creative writing."   

"And I," declared Christian loftily, "have to go to culinary  science."   

"Culinary  science?"  I  cried.  "You  elected  culinary  science? That's like the most brainless class ever."   

"It is not," he countered. "And even if it was … well, hey,  it's my last semester, right?" I groaned.   

"Come  on,  Rose,"  laughed  Lissa.  "It's just  one  class  period. It won't be that—"   

She was cut off when a commotion broke out farther down  the  hall.  We  and  everyone  near  us stopped  and  stared.  One  of  my  guardian  instructors,  Emil,  had  practically  appeared  out  of  nowhere  and—playing  Strigoi—reached  for  a  Moroi  girl.  He  swung her away, pressing her to his chest and exposing her neck  as though he would bite her.  I couldn't see  who she  was, just a  tangle  of  brown  hair,  but  her  assigned  protector  was Shane  Reyes.  The  attack  had  caught  him  by  surprise—it  was the  first  one of the day—but he fumbled only a little as he kicked Emil  in the side and wrested the girl away. The two guys squared off,  and  everyone  watched  eagerly.  A  few  even  whistled  and  shouted, cheering Shane on.   

One  of  the  catcallers was Ryan  Aylesworth.  He  was so  fixated  on  watching  the  fight—which  Shane,  wielding  his  practice  stake,  had  just  about  won—that  he  didn't  notice  two other  adult  guardians sneaking  up  on  him  and  Camille.  Eddie  and I realized it at the same time and stiffened, instinct readying  both of us to spring forward.   

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