When The Red Moon Rises: Part Two The Friends

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What! Are you serious your a wolf thing, are there more of you? "Yeah, but you can't say anything about this to anyone ok, Promise?" I Promise, well I should go home before my mom get's worried but I'll see you tomorrow. "Ok, bye see you tomorrow I guess." As I walked into the door of my room I saw a rose on the bed. I'm so confused who would give me a rose at 11:23 at night? As I put the rose on my dresser then layer down on my bed thinking about what just happened, first I found out that my crush is a werewolf and there are more of them. I felt sick when I woke up my stomach hurt and I had a 103* temperature. My mom told me to stay home but I said no I had to talk to Grace about what happened last night. There's no way my mom is keeping me from school today. Of course here I am sitting on my bed eating soup and drinking Chi-Tea while Grace is at school probably waiting for me at the end of the gym, hoping I kept my mouth shut about her secret. Uhh this sucks so bad but there's no way I'm going to be able to leave the house with out my mom seeing me. Well I probably should get some sleep so I will feel much better in the morning and I can talkt to Grace with out sneezing all over her. As I woke up the next day I was right about the feeling better thing. I rushed to get my hair done and to put my clothes on. The bus stopped a few minutes later, I made sure that I didn't trip on a rock this time and I sat in the back of the bus today not in the front. When I got to school I saw Grace her eyes gazing around the bus drop off area, I guess she's looking for me but then again she has tons of friends but I still believe it could be me. I went up to her and said hi, "Where have you been, I've been looking for you forever! We need to talk!" Oh, ok well I'm here now. I have one question are there more of you? "Um just my whole entire family, and all my friends." Woah!

When The Red Moon Rises: Part Two The FriendsWhere stories live. Discover now