I love you.

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I woke up sore from last nights events. I stood up and looked towards the door to see Abel standind across the hall talking to Anna. She looked pissed off. I didnt wanna interrupt so I slipped on my clothes and walked into the living room. A few minutes later Anna walked by me and looked at me in a disgusted way. "DId you fuck my man last night?" She asked pissed off. Abel walked to Anna and pulled her away. "Shut the fuck up Anna." Abel said pulling Anna to the door. "Go home Anna." Abel said pushing Anna out the door. I looked at Abel a little bit relieved. "See you tonight?" He said smiling. I bit my lip and smiled. "Yeah, tonight." I replied. "Come on I'll drive you home." Abel said. I got home and kissed Abel goodbye. "Text me babe." He said. 

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