Chapter 3

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The next day I created a DropBox account and uploaded all the pictures from the night before then deleted them off my phone. It was a tough job keeping myself from stroking my cock while moving the pictures and looking at them. Until I moved them off my phone I didn't realize just how many pictures I took last night, one hundred and seventeen. Some didn't turn out very well, blurry or bad angle, that sort of thing, but all and all I was pretty proud of my work. She looked amazing in all of them.

It was Thursday and for the next few days we stayed busy without any time to have for ourselves. Between after school events, the kids' social life and my family and Kim's there just wasn't any "us" time.

Tuesday came before I knew it and it had been a week since I'd last talked to Rick, he never responded to the last message Kim sent. I was having a slow morning at work with little planned for the afternoon so I thought I'd give him a call.

"What's up buddy?" Rick asked after the second ring.

"Not much. You interested in catching some lunch somewhere today?"

He was silent for a few seconds before answering, "Any special reason?"

"No, I'm just slow here at work and have some free time. Thought if you weren't busy we could visit and grab some grub."

"Something you need to talk about?" He asked.

I now realized he was acting odd and the only thing I could think of was the last text Kim sent and his lack of response to it, "No not really. You okay Rick?"

"Yeah, yeah, fine. Same place as last time?"

"Sounds good. See you at noon."

"Okay. Bye."

It wasn't just me, he was definitely acting differently. I hoped the whole thing with Kim hadn't messed up our friendship. I put it aside and dug back into work trying not to think about it but catching myself looking at the clock way too often. Just before noon I left the office and headed to the restaurant.

After I parked I looked around for Rick's truck but didn't see it so I headed inside to get us a table. By ten after Rick still was a no show and at sixteen past noon he sent me a text saying something came up and couldn't make it. I ordered and ate by myself wondering if something really came up or if he just didn't want to see me. I told Kim about the odd call with Rick and the last minute cancellation, she wasn't sure what to make of it and thought maybe I should give him a little time.

The rest of the week passed uneventfully and our sex life seemed to be returning to the way it was before, infrequent and more chore like. That may not be the best way to describe it but it was as though it was something that had to be done rather than something exciting to be looked forward to. I masterbated to the pictures of my wife as often as I could, which was only a couple of times a week, trying to recapture that spark from those two nights of ecstasy.

I could see the change in Kim just as I was sure she could see it in me. Two weeks turned into a month and I was about to leave town for business when I asked one night if we could take a few more pictures, thinking it might spice things up again plus give me new material for my spank bank. She said she was tired but maybe next week.

The next day I flew to Chicago for a three day conference. My second night there I was sitting in the bar drinking a beer by myself studying material from a session at the conference that afternoon when a lady about my wife's age sat one barstool over from me and ordered a gin and tonic. I continued reading Sales Management Dynamics in a Recovering Economy as she drank her gin and tonic.

"Excuse me," she said after about ten minutes, "Are you attending the sales management conference?"


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