Chapter 13

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Katie's POV;

"God, where are they!?" I asked myself over and over again as I stood there in the airport.

The guys come home from tour today. They're flying in by plan from New York. Nicci and I came here at six forty-five to pick them up at seven. Nicci went to the bathroom and kept me on watch for the guys. It's 7:10 and I'm still waiting. Where could they be!?

Ugh, I'm so impatient.

"Hey! The guys get here yet?" Nicci asked as she jogged towards me. I shook my head,

"Not yet. Where could they be!?"

"I really don't know I mean they are taking so long-" we heard Lou say behind us. We both turned around and screamed,

"Lou!" We said, hugging him tight. "Woah, woah, woah! What about us?" Eric, Kyle, and Josh asked as they popped behind us as well. Nicci and I both ran over to the three and hugged them all as well.

"Where are our boys?" Nicci asked with a pout. "We made them get the luggage so you guys would be upset." Kyle laughed. Nicci and I gasped,

"You assholes!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Anyways, Kate, can I talk to you?" Josh asked. I nodded, letting him take me over by the entrance.

"What's up?" I asked in concern. "What happened with you and Vic? I was talking with Tony and he said Vic won't tell him."

I sighed, "We had a little fight and he wanted to make it up to me. We just went to the beach to have some dinner and then we were talking and...well, he tried to kiss me. I told him no and how I loved Andy but he seemed really determined for us to try it again. We haven't talked since, it concerns me. Did Tony say how he's been doing?" I asked. Josh shook his head,

"I'll call later, I just was wondering. And I'm glad to know you really do love Andy. He's been talking about you all tour." He laughed. I laughed as well,

"That's good to know. So, has-"

"There's my babe." I heard a familiar voice call behind me. I turned around to see Andy putting down a few bags, standing back up and smiling in my direction.

"Andy!" I yelled, running over to him and into his arms. He hugged me tight, pulling me protectively to his chest. The smell of his cologne flooded my scent, making me melt in his arms.

Every girl loves when a guy smells good, trust me.

"I missed you so much." He whispered. I attached our lips together one by one, again and again. My arms slung around his neck and his hands found my waist. "I missed you more." I winked. He shook his head,


"Okay, okay, enough with this lovey dovey shit. It's sickening." Eric fake gagged. I rolled my eyes,

"You'd be the same if Becky was here, Eric." I told him. He put his hands up defense,

"I would, but she's not. Shes in Australia right now, so we don't need to worry about that. Lets just get back to the house before the two of you fuck here and now." Eric laughed. Everyone joined in as well, making Andy and I blush.

Andy took my hand as Nicci and I led the guys to the cars.

It's good to have our boys back.

"Get a room why don't you!?" The guys all asked. I rolled my eyes,

"What about Nicci and David!?"

"They have to too!" Lou chuckled. "Come on, lets go upstairs." Andy said, leading me up to his room.

Kissing in Cars (Pierce the Veil love story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon