chapter 4

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"What did you do!?!?!" Rykers voice is like nails on a chalkboard. I look shamefully into his eyes then drop my gaze to the floor. I don't dare look at what I know I will find on my wrist. Now he will for sure drop me and go for someone as beautiful as Missy or even a smart geek like Scarlett. His caloused thumb gentle rubs circles on my sensitive skin and I flinch. My gaze slowly lifts to my wrist and I look at my handy work.  Pale pink and white scars lace across my skin over the vein in my wrist. A couple fresh ones even had dried blood on surface, but not like the newest one.

Dang... How could I be so careless to let him see the scars? Normally I am so carefull not to let people see the scars. I don't need any questions to be asked. When questions are asks, I some how always manage to get the numbers to counclers....

A six inch long scar traced from my elbow to the beginning of my wrist. It was obviously deep and probably infected with the blood and white-ish pus seeping out of small sections of it. Ryker lightly touched it, running his thumb down it. I shiver under his feather light touch. His eyebrows were scrunched together and I wanted to run my fingers over them and straighten the worry lines.

We did'nt speak for a moment. The tree house was silent, me staring at the ground and him examining my scars. I could see that he was debating something, and I strangely wanted to cry. I wanted to ball my eyes out in front of him and tell him everything, but I couldn't. Not if I wanted to live.... I fought hard not to cry. Tears were just beginning to leak out of my eyes when he spoke. "Why did you do this to yourself?" It didn't sound like a question at all. He more like commanded me to answer him.

I dont answer, just turning my head away from him. I forced my face to look impassive and stone cold. I can not give anything away.  Abrubtly his fingers rap around my chin and he forces me too look at him. His eyes are like a sand storm, violent yet tantalizing. I look into his eyes, rocks dropping into my stomace. Out of the corner of my eyes I see him raise his hands and my body jumps backward while my hands fly up to shield my face.

My heart is now beating wildly and panic starts to settle in. As I wait for the blow to come, I try to imagine that I'm not there. If you don't think about pain, you don't feel as much of it. A small squeal comes out of me when two big pair of arms wrap around me. I'm crushed against a rock hard chest and it feels like a bear is hugging me. At first I don't know what to do. When I calm down after realizing that he isn't going to slap me or hurt me, I hug him back.

"Why?" His voice is muffled by my blanket. I tremble with silent sobs and cry without the tears. "Because it makes everything go away...." I reply sadly. He releases me and holds me away from him to study my face. His eyes look deep into mine before he stands us both up. I wipe my knose with the back of my hand and sniffle as I look up at him with big eyes.

I'm sure I look like a kicked puppy but I don't care at the moment. "Come on." Ryker starts to the door but I stop him with my hand. "Where are we going?" My voice is timid as I peer at his back. Without turning around he responds. "To the hospital."


"I don't want to be here!! I'm perfectly okay." I practically snarl at Ryker. Currently I am in his passenger seat tied up with a rope. Yes you hear me. A freaking 10 foot rope!! When he had said we were going to the hospital, I had said no. After a couple of minutes of me evading his hands I some how managed to step on my own foot and trip. He picked me up and throw me over his shoulder like a sack of potato's....Not that I was complaining. I completely forgot about where we were headed, too busy watching how his leg mucsals and back moved when he took a step forward.

It wasn't until I heard him unlock the car that I got my head out of my butt and started to fight back. At first he was surprised and dropped me, which I managed to screw up by falling onto the cold ground. Curse my feet!! He grabbed me and then it was on.

I now fully believe that he could be a NFL qualified Quarterback. He seems to be all muscle and runs like a cheetah. Normally I'm good at dodging people and slipping right past them. Heck I'm the fastest girl in school and am the couch's best track girl. I can even out run the guys on a good day. He made me look like a snail out there. I tried to slip by him and he simply plucked me off the ground and set me in the car. Then he tied me up after I managed to slip past him. He has to take steroids. No person can be that strong can they? Maby i'm just weak...

I feel like a little kid with him controlling me so easily. Now here I am. Pouting and despairatly trying to talk him out of going to the hospital.  But no he wont listen. Now I can see the gray hospital and he shows no signs of stopping any time soon. "Ryker!! Please stop!! I'm fine! If I promise not cut myself, will you stop?" My voice trembles as I look at the hospital with fearful eyes. I bet I look like Bambi faced with a head on car.

Ryker glances at me but I'm to busy biting my lip and controlling all my panic attacks. Flashes of memory's run throw my brain and I shut my eyes to force them out. My body trembles when I feel the car slowly stop. I open my eyes and see the entrance and almost stop breathing. No!! I thrash in my seat and viciously tear at the ropes. I can hear Ryker trying to calm me down, but no words make it throw my bubbly.

I can only see that door. That retched door that leads into that horrid building. I should not be here. I cant be here. Not sense last time. Oh God..... I- I cant breath. I squeeze my eyes shut and bury my face in my knees and hands. Flashes of white and gray torcher my mind. A woman with blood all over her body. Cuts covering her face and arms. She is ghostly white as people in scrubs push her limp body down a long hall. Her ounce beautiful hair is matted and tangled while her cloths are tattered and ripped in various places.  I know she wont live. I just know it....

Hands on my back and under my legs lifting me out of my seat wake me from my nightmare. I open my eyes and see that Ryker is carrying me torgh the hospital door. "Please dont...." My voice is so pleading and broken I can see it hurts him. I sound like I'm going to die if he doesn't take me back. Well the truth is I might. I can see the confliction in his eyes. Right when I think he might not drag me in there, a nurse barges out and looks to be waiting on a ambulance. Right then my breath stops and everything freezes. My whole body seizes up.

I remeber all the blood. Blood all over her, the nurses and me. I remember how they yelled instuctions to each other. "Prep her for surgery!!" "Get that OR ready!" "Her hearts stopped!!"

I remember it so clearly. I wish it would go away. Some how I wish I could suck out that memory from my brain and move on. I distantly hear Ryker yell over to the nurse, but a blackness is taking over my vision. Right before my eyes close Ryker looks down on me with a desperate look.  He looks so hot when he is destressed I think as my mind shuts down completly.


If it loaded, the picture on the side should be Ryker.... My computer is old and bi-polar some times. :D Bye!!

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