Use Me, Mommy (s)

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Sorry I suck at posting so here's a lemon from my Fear and Love series!!!!

You and Kakashi are married and have twins, a son and daughter. He's already the Hokage. One night you guys get bored while attending a dinner for village leaders.

Lmk if I accidentally left my oc's name in so I can fix it!

Warning: sub Kakashi, Kakashi calls you mommy, dom reader, denial k!nk, desperate/needy Kakashi
"Y/n, Shizune I think it's official, I'm going insane.." Kakashi looked at his wife who was laying across the bench in their horse drawn carriage. They were traveling to the Land of the Rice Paddys to discuss partnerships with the leaders and feudal lords of major villages in the area.

Y/n yawned, she was just trying to take a damn nap,"You're not going insane, Kashi. We've just had a lot of meetings out of town this week and it's tiring..."

"Shizune, why did we schedule it like this?!" Kakashi sighed and threw his head back into the seat looking next to him at the raven haired woman who was holding Tonton.

"Lord Kakashi, you told me to clump the out of town meetings together because you said and I quote 'I want to get them over with all at once'." Shizune responded.

"You tell 'em, Shizune!" Y/n egged her on, knowing Kakashi was getting annoyed. She sat up and rubbed her eyes.

"Oh shut up, the both of you.." Kakashi pouted and crossed his arms.

"Ooooo, careful Shizune, Kashi's getting cranky. Watch out he might bite." Y/n teased. The women giggled and Kakashi grumbled out of annoyance.

Soon enough they arrived at their destination in the Land of the Rice Paddys where they were to attend a large ball to do a sort of meet and greet with the other leaders. And Kakashi was dreading it. He was dreading having to sit through dinner with pompous village leaders who thought they were better than the people they governed. He'd much rather spend his time playing with his babies in the park, he found that much more rewarding and entertaining than this. And infinitely more cute.

To cope with the annoyance and boredom, he kept telling himself that he had to serve his duties as Hokage to make the world a better place for his son and daughter.

Kakashi, Y/n, and Shizune were escorted to their accomodations and were told to prepare for a the reception to take place in a couple hours.

"Ya know, I could quit, babe.." Kakashi said as he fell back onto the bed to relax from the somewhat long journey.

"You're so cranky today, Kashi. Are you about to get your period?" Y/n joked as she retreated to the bathroom for a quick shower. Kakashi relaxed for a bit, reading his favorite excerpts from his favorite book until he realized that he too needed to get ready. He walked to the bathroom to have his own shower and found Y/n sitting at the vanity as she applied some makeup to prepare for this fancy dinner. But before Kakashi could see the finished look she headed back to the bedroom to put on her ball gown.

Kakashi showered, got dressed in a typical tuxedo and swung his cloak around his shoulders, the cloak that titled him "Lord Sixth in Fire" in red letters on his back and headed to the bedroom to find Y/n now fluffing out her dress in the mirror. His stomach flipped at the sight.

'How did I marry someone so damn hot?' he thought as he got lost in a trance. He was captivated by the powder blue ball gown she had on that hugged her body while slits on either side of her hips exposed her gorgeous, shiny legs. Her beautiful hair that smelled of strawberries shifted with her movements, giving him glimpses of the navy Hatake clan crest on her back, subtlety reminding him that he was the one that put that rock on her left ring finger. When he met her, she was still princess L/n of (Village). He took pride in the fact that he turned her into Lady Hatake of the Leaf.

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