How it all started.......

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One day there was a group of friends. These were no normal friends one of them had a secret and that person was Bishop, but he didn't want anyone to know. His secret was that he was the riddler by night bishop by day. He went through long lengths to keep his secrets from his best friends .

Madysen: Yo Bishop you wanna hang out on Halloween?
Bishop: sorry I can't
Nina: why? you never hang out with us
Freddy: we can makeout
Bishop: no...
Bishop: I just can't hang out
Izzy: Are you hiding something from us?
Madysen: yeah
Bishop: no I just can't

                           Later that night.......
Bishop: Man I feel so bad that I can't tell my friends that I'm the riddler. I have to tell them soon if not one day they'll catch me. I can't tell them because what if they bully me? They're my only friends I can't afford to lose them. 😞 What if I lose Savannah?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2021 ⏰

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