//11//:Home Sweet Home

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I was carelessly sprawled on my bed eating a bowl of raspberries as it was the only fruit remaining in our refrigerator. I scrolled through Instagram feeds anxiously, as I waited for the clock to hit twelve O'clock. Fifteen minutes to my birthday. I'm so thrilled and excited.

I feel so excited already knowing that this year, I've earned myself a good number of new fans all around the world, that's in addition to the wishes I'll be receiving from my family and friends. My phone will soon explode with millions of notifications from different social networks.

Tonight is also when we will be returning back home to Nigeria. It's really sad to be honest, don't get me wrong I miss Nigeria like crazy but I also feel awful at the same time that I'm going to be leaving California.

Our flight is by 1:00am in the morning.

Luckily, the airport is just twenty four minutes away from home. We'll be following economy class because I wanted to feel like a normal citizens. Even though Kubra's parents insisted that we follow our private jet, we declined.

"Sabrina, are you through packing?" Kubra stormed in dressed in a maroon sweater and black pencil jeans.

"Yes, I am." I replied as I rose to my feet.

"But you're going to change right?" She asked eying my figure from head to toe. I was obviously going to change into something classy, I mean tomorrow's my birthday, also the launching of my brand in Nigeria. Both DILA KS and Sapphire Iris.

"Obviously cause it's my bir-" I had began before she cut me off as usual.

"Mimiiiiiii! Hurry your pace!" She yelled exiting my room. That was weird. She cut me short when I was speaking then rudely left the room.

I checked my phone, the time was 11:55am.

Five minutes to go.

I internally screamed.

I dragged my suitcases and boxes out of my room not so carefully because three rolled down the stairs making a crashing sound.

Sauntering to my window, I was eager to see the wonderful and blissful view of LA one last time before we leave, cause I honestly don't know when we are coming back. LA at night is what you call Sabrina serenity. I'm going to miss this place.

Switching of the different varieties of lightings in the room, I slowly shut the door. As I averted my gaze to the wall clock, I read the time.


It's my birthday.

I'm twenty years old people.

I stared at my phone waiting for notifications to take over it.

Okay...still nothing.

I sauntered downstairs with my side bag clung beside me. The rest of my boxes were already taken out by the bodyguards. I spotted Mimi and Kubra by the door discussing about Allah knows what.

I walked like a penguin to where they were grinning widely, more like advertising my favorite raspberry toothpaste.

Really guys?

"What's wrong with her?" Kubra whispered to Mimi analysing me thoroughly.

"I can't fathom but I think it's the fake smile. She probably doesn't want to leave" Mimi murmured back.

"Seriously guys?" I quaked annoyed by the fact that they forgot my birthday. And they think I'm going crazy. Well I know I'm crazy but come on,it's my birthday. The day I've been waiting for the past six years. Most girls take their eighteenth or sixteenth birthday to be the best but I've waited so long for this day just for everyone to forget it.

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