//17//:A Night in the comfort of the street

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The gun was kicked out of my hand, though I still pulled the trigger, the bullet hit a tree. I turned around to see the person. My eyes went wide as saucers.


His blue grayish eyes had now turned into the darkest shade of black. It was scary.

"What are you doing? Trying to commit murder? Are you out of your mind!?" He yelled, his veins popped out as he stiffened his jaw. I was quivering in fear as I couldn't say a word. I hope I don't pee my pants.

Realisation dawned on me, I almost killed a person. It was like I was possessed by something, I don't know what had gotten into me. The darkness I felt within is something new, it was so dark. It made me feel powerful but at the same time heartless. I could swear I wasn't the one that pulled the trigger. No, it can't be me.

What the heck was I thinking?

I shook my head repeatedly as I moved backwards slowly till I came across the tree, I leaned on it shivering like a coat less puppy lost in Antarctica. My vision was blurry but I could still see the scene that was happening in front of me.

The light skinned guy slit Farooq's wrist with the knife. He kept slitting it till the only color you visible on his hands were red. Farooq stood there like the Great Wall of China, it was like the pain being inflicted on him by the light skinned guy and the dark skinned guy was nothing. All I could see was blood everywhere, I was too weak to help him.

Farooq, with the coldest expression I've ever seen, grabbed the light skinned guy by his collar and flung him to the black jeep they pulled up with, hitting the tyre. I doubt he'll regain consciousness any time soon.

He turned to the dark skinned guy and beat the bloody hell out of him. For a second there I thought he was going to murder him. He kept on throwing punches at him, even after the guy lost consciousness. The guy fell to the ground, Farooq got hold of the wooden stick, he smacked it on his head. His eyes were filled with anger and fury, nothing in his eyes expressed remorse or mercy.

If I don't stop him, I swear to God Farooq will murder him!

He picked the unconscious man up, he was about to throw another punch when I entered his front. I was so afraid. The slightest mistake I could make right now would lead me to my own deathbed. I shut my eyes tight. "Farooq, let him go! He's already unconscious. Why stop me from pulling the trigger when you only wanted to do the deed yourself. Farooq..." I pleaded as calm as I've ever spoken to him. I prayed to my Allah that I won't receive a punch on the face.

Harshly, he dropped the guy on the ground, not so nicely.

Suddenly, three other men walked out of the car in the same suit as the guys on the rapists had on. Farooq pulled me, not so gently, behind him. "Don't move an inch." He seethed. I dared not.

The three men dragged the other three men that were beaten up by I and Farooq. They threw them inside the car and rode off.

They're gone.

It was planned. The whole act was planned. It was too obvious,because if they were people inside the car, they would have helped them when they saw us beating them up, but they didn't. It seemed to have been a planned scenario. But who could have plotted such a scheme?

Though my left arm hurt like crazy, I bent down and did a sujood. I thanked Allah for saving me. I thanked Allah for saving me from being raped and also saving me from death.

I stood up to find Farooq glaring at me like his life depended on it. I was too tired to glare back. He literally saved my life. I knew I owed him big time. "Let's go." He spoke in a hoarse voice. He started walking back, when he noticed that I made no attempt to walk, he stopped.

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