Chapter 1

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TW: self harm and drugs

Juliet (Jules) POV
I sat in my bathroom floor, blood dripping from my arm, I stared down at it for awhile until the urge had passed completely. Once it had, i reached over into the cupboard and pulled out my first aid kit, I cleaned the wounds and bandage them. I reluctantly pulled myself up of the bathroom floor and walked back into my bedroom. i rummaged through my closet before deciding on a black hoodie, black ripped jeans and a pair of black high top converse. i went back into my bathroom and quickly did some light makeup before grabbing my bag and walking  downstairs.
"Hey mom, i'm leaving now" i called out as I grabbed my skateboard and opened the door
"Uh uh not until you eat some breakfast"
"I'll grab something on my way, i'm meeting Lexi before school"
"Fine, I love you"
"Love you too" I replied closing the door behind me.
I hadn't exactly lied to my mom, I was meeting Lexi, we just weren't going to school.

"JULES, come here" we ran to each other and hugged tightly. I hadn't seen her in 3 months, she had been away at an art camp for the summer.
"God you have no idea how much I've missed you Lex"                                                                                    "I missed you more, the people at camp were so fucking boring" she laughed " anyway enough about that i got you a surprise." she wiggled her eyebrows at me as pulled out a pack of smokes and two little baggies, one had coke and some pills in the other.

"Holy fuck, you are a fucking legend" i pulled out my keys and opened up the baggie, i scooped a little bump out and snorted it. i put the rest away in my bag and took out a cigarette
"lex you got a lighter" i looked up at her
"yea i do somewhere" she dug through her bag before pulling one out and handing it to me.
I lit the smoke,  the calm feeling taking over my body instantly, what I hadn't realised was my sleeve had ridden up.
"Jules, your arm" I saw the sadness in her eyes
"I know, I know, but I cleaned them and there fine, i'm fine, i promise" i gave her a small smile. both of us knowing that wasn't true.
"Your my best friend and I hate seeing you in pain, but I can't make you stop all I can do is be here. Besides I'm no better myself" she gave me a small laugh while holding up her bag of coke.
"Alright enough sappy shit, catch me up"
We sat talking for hours, until someone called me name.
Great Charlotte
"Guess that's my cue Lex, catch you later. Love you"
"Love you too Jules, be safe"

I ran over to Charlottes car and hoped in, trying my best to act sober.
we drove in silence for 15 minutes before either one of us said anything.
"You've been smoking" she spoke in a monotone voice
"Have not" i snapped back, avoiding looking at her
"Don't lie to me Juliet"
"Don't call me Juliet"
"Okay, what is going on with you. Your school couldn't get ahold of Addison so they rang me, said you've been absent for the past week"
"I just didn't feel like going" I rested my head on the window and just stared as the world passed by, lucky for me Charlotte stopped asking questions.

The car came to a stop and to my surprise I wasn't being hauled off to my mums office.
"Addisons in surgery, figured you can hang with me until she's done"
"fine" I got out of the car and walked inside her house, dumping my bag and skateboard on the ground. "I'm going to the bathroom and then I'll answer all your questions"
I walked down the hall into the bathroom, turning to lock the door behind me. I pulled off my jumper and un-bandaged my wrist. i took out the blade that i had hidden in my pocket and made four new cuts along my wrist. I pressed some tissue over them and waited for a minute before re-bandaging them. I put my jumper back on, taking a deep breath before unlocking the bathroom door, "Now time to face hell".

I walked back into the living room before collapsing onto the sofa, mentally preparing myself for the scolding i would most likely receive.
"So wanna tell me why you were skipping school and smoking" charlotte spoke, staring over at me.
"Not particularly, I mean there really isn't a need for me to have this conversation twice" i said with a hint of annoyance
"I'll make a deal" this caught my attention, i sat upright and turned to face her.
"I won't tell Addison, but you need to start going to school"
i glared at her "fine whatever. But what about the smoking?"
she sighed "There's obviously a reason your smoking, so we will work through it. However i will buy your cigarettes for you. agreed? "
"Thanks Charlotte" i half smiled at her
Charlotte turned on the tv, flicking through the channels before settling on criminal minds. we sat in comfortable silence until my mum came by to pick me up. I said goodbye to Charlotte and made the drive home.

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