The tent..⛺️

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It was about 1:30AM and both boys were still awake playing a game.
Jude's POV:
"Okay this is getting boring. Can we play something else?" Connor asked with a boring face.
"How about 3 truths 1 lie?" I asked.
"What's that?" I was surprised Connor didn't know what that was.
" it's where you say 4 sentences and 3 of them are true but only 1 is not and you have to figure out which one is the lie."
Okay. It sounds like fun. You go first." Connor said eagerly
" okay. Umm... Okay 1. I love mac & cheese. 2. When I was little I had a dog. 3. I got a skateboard for my birthday. And 4....umm... I only like the color blue and green. Which is the lie?"
"Ummm..... The first one?" Connor said knowing that it was wrong.
"No it was the 3rd one. I never had a dog... They scare me." I said embarrassed.
"Wait... You're afraid of dogs..." Connor started to laugh.
"Stop it. It's not funny. When I was little one tried to attack me."
"Ok whatever but still I never knew you were scared of dogs."
"Whatever. It's your turn." I exclaimed.
"Ok.. Umm... 1. I only had 2 girlfriends. 2. I can sing. 3. I love hamburgers. 4. I'm a virgin-" I cut him off on his last word.
"Connor!" I said laughing
"What. Come on which is the lie?" He said trying to make me stop laughing.
"Uhh the last one?" I said laughing
"What! NO!! I'm not having sex until I'm married are you crazy!" He said as we both started laughing.
"Ok whatever. Which is the lie?"
"The second. I can't sing for my life!" He laughed.
"Ok my turn. 1. I never kissed anyone-" Connor cut me off.
"Wait you never had your first kiss?"
"" I was embarrassed
"How come?"
"I don't know I don't really like any one.. And I doubt anyone likes me"
The tent was silenced for a minute until Connor broke the silence.
"Remember when we played spin the bottle with Maddie and Chelsea?"
Yea.. What about it?" I asked confused.
"If Callie hadn't interrupted us.. Do you think that we would've ended up kissing?"
"Well... I guess" I didn't know why he brought this up considering he hasn't brought it up the other times we were alone.
" oh..."
"Why do you care...?"
"I don't I was just curios."
"Of what..??"
Connor didn't speak he just sat there for a while until I asked him again.
"Hmm? Sorry I wasn't listening. What were you saying?"
I asked what you were curious about.."
"Oh..that.. I don't know I guess I just wanted to see what it was like to kiss a boy.. Like you.."
"But we don't have to if your uncomfortable."
" wait.."
It was silent. We didn't speak. I looked at Connor realizing he was already looking at me. We locked eyes. And stayed like that for a while. Connor leaned in and it happened. He Kissed Me!!!
Connor's POV:
I can't believe I kissed jude. More importantly he kissed me back. I put my hand on his cheek then pulled away. I smiled at him and he smiled back.
"Well... That was interesting.." I said unsure of what to do next.
"Yea..." He blushed
"We should probably go to sleep. It's really late and we leave tomorrow so we gotta wake up early." I said getting into my sleeping bag.
Jude's POV:
I got into my sleeping bag and stared at Connor as he turned away. He didn't notice I was looking at him.
"Jude?" He said quietly
"Don't tell anyone about this okay?"
It was silent and I think Connor fell asleep but then..
"Good night...JUDICORN.." He said smiling.
"Hey!" I said laughing and I threw a pillow at him and he started laughing too.
"Good night Connor"
With that we fell asleep and I liked the kiss to be honest. I never thought that I would feel this way about a boy but I liked it.☺️
( thanks for reading. I really appreciate you guys and that you like my stories. If you have any request for any stories you want me to write please leave them in the comments below!☺️☺️)

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